How far do you agree that Hitler became chancellor in January 1933 primarily due to electoral success of the Nazi party?

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How far do you agree that Hitler became chancellor in January 1933 primarily due to electoral success of the Nazi party?

The electoral success of the Nazi party played a key role in Hitler rising to power but was  not the most important idea about why he became chancellor of Germany. The crucial reason, was the fact that in 1933 Franz Von Papen had a grudge against Paul Von Hindenburg after Hindenburg replaced him with a Chancellor.

In the 1928 election, Hitler and The NSDAP had gained only 2.8% worth of the votes. This showed that there was still faith in democracy from the Weimar Republic. Despite this, in the 1932 elections, only four years later. The Nazi's had achieved a 37% lead, making them the largest political party in the Weimar republic. We can see that The Nazi party had convinced a large proportion of Germany that it was the saviour of the people. This showed political leaders such as President Paul Von Hindenburg, that Hitler was a possibility for running the country. This meant that when Franz Von Papen was looking for a figurehead that he could manipulate in to running the country his way in 1933. Hitler seemed like the perfect candidate. Popularity amongst the people was something democratic parties lacked considerably and if extremist parties were what was needed to gain it then it seemed like a win-win scenario for Von Pappen. On the other hand this could be argued as an incredibly small reason for the Nazi's rise to power. This is because, if we look back to July 1932, Hitler had originally had been refused power by the president, despite still having the 37% lead. This shows that Hitler's assertive and fascist ideas were the overall reason kept him out of office and overcame his success within the general public. This view is also backed up by the fact that the Weimar republic had started to show signs of improvement, showing signs in the decline of Nazi voters. This suggests that Hitler's popularity had peaked and that, without Von Pappen's desire to control the country and his grudge against the president. Hitler would have eventually fallen back in to obscurity.

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In 1932, Hitler was refused power by Von Hindenburg and was instead given to Franz Von Pappen. This new political leader did face a large problem though, he did not have support of the Reichstag.  As well as this He was classed as:

“A second rate politician” by his colleagues and eventually was replaced by an Ex-army general by the name of General Kurt Von Schleicher. Again he also did not manage to gain support from the Reichstag. Because of this replacement, Von Pappen now had a grudge against the president and would try to get in to ...

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