How far do you agree that Hitler became Chancellor primarily due to political intrigue?

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How far do you agree that Hitler became Chancellor primarily due to political intrigue? 


The Nazi party was the largest political party in the Reichstag after the July 1932 elections; their influence and foothold in Germany could not go unnoticed. Hitler was an excellent public speaker who was able to influence those he wanted to, and Nazi party member Goebbels was running a massive propaganda campaign to increase Hitler’s popularity further. But, August-December 1932 was a difficult period for the Hitler’s Nazi party – more radical members were becoming restless as although their party was popular throughout Germany and Hitler looked certain to be the next Chancellor, they did not have the majority vote yet and legally there was no clear path into the German government, especially as the current president did not trust him. 

At the time, Germany was led by President Hindenburg. The President was elderly and relied on his aides and colleagues, Chancellor Von Papen and General Schleicher, to guide him in difficult political decisions. Von Papen was unpopular in Germany and in September 1932 he lost a vote of no confidence in the Reichstag, by a massive 512 votes to 42. His response was to dissolve the Reichstag and call for yet another election. The German public was fast becoming tired of the constant elections & the restlessness of the electorate combined with the dwindling Nazi party reserves of cash and morale contributed to them losing votes in the November 1932 election. Hitler was adamant that he would only join the German government as chancellor and Von Papen, frustrated with the threat from Hitler to his position as chancellor, considered using article 48 of the Weimar constitution to dissolve the Reichstag and to establish a presidential dictatorship in Germany. This concerned Schleicher greatly who informed the President of his fears, and Hindenburg reluctantly asked Von Papen to step down and to hand over the chancellorship to Schleicher. Schleicher began a campaign to stabilise the country but he was treated with suspicion by trade unions and capitalists. Von Papen was extremely angry at how he had lost his position to Schleicher and consequently arranged a meeting with Hitler, the man he had tried so desperately to keep out of government weeks before. Von Papen told Hitler that he could get Hitler into power If Schleicher could be vice-chancellor. Political intrigue was fast at work and Von Papen quickly began looking for support from capitalists and the army. Hindenburg eventually conceded that Schleicher had failed and on the advice of Von Papen, Hitler should be appointed chancellor in a Nazi-conservative coalition government. From this we can see that Von Papen’s actions in trying to get back at Schleicher for his apparent treachery led to Hitler becoming chancellor & thus political intrigue got him into power.

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However, it could be argued that Hitler could have gotten into power anyway. Regardless of the fact that the Nazi party had dropped votes in the November 1932 elections, the Nazi party was the biggest party in the Reichstag with 230 seats and was very much the dominant political force in Germany. Goebbels’ propaganda was a powerful tool in establishing Hitler as the only man who could take Germany forward. Many people were still bitter about the outcome of World War One (including Hitler himself) and his image as a strong, independent leader appealed to all classes and social standings. ...

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The strength of this essay is in its structure which clearly examines a range of factors and uses excellent detail from the period to support and exemplify the points. It could have been tightened up by actually labelling the main factors at the start and by developing the argument to focus on the links and relationships between the factors to build on the ideas that they all played some part in Hitler's rise to power. ***