How far was Lord Liverpool's government a reforming one in the years 1822 to 1827?

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How far was Lord Liverpool’s government a reforming one in the years 1822 to 1827?

The restructuring of Lord Liverpool’s cabinet in the early 20’s was thought of by many as a change in the direction of the government. Several Historians say that 1822 was a turning point in Lord Liverpool’s government which was, before this date, a government focusing only on repression. I agree with this point of view and will put across evidence and justification for this, throughout my essay.

Firstly, as mentioned in my introduction, a restructuring of Lord Liverpool’s cabinet took place in 1822. As a result of this, Sir Robert Peel was introduced and was responsible for the reforming of the Penal Code between 1824-6. Because of this, a more humane system of punishment was introduced and the death penalty was abolished for the majority of crimes. This, together with the passing of the Jail’s Act in 1823, meant that the treatment of prisoner’s was a lot fairer. The Jails Act meant that the government had reformed the conditions under which prisoners were kept – conditions which had previously been unregulated and inhumane. These are but a few pieces of evidence that prove that Lord Liverpool’s government was a reforming one.
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Nevertheless, the government refused to reform several aspects of life regarding the middle and lower class. The poor lived in squalor, in polluted cities with very poor public health. Nothing was done about this. Therefore, it can be argued that many of the reforms that took place served the interests of the rich rather than the poor. This is obviously unreasonable in every sense considering the majority were poor. Therefore, the government was not a reforming one to a large extent in relation to underlying economic problems and status.

Having said this, I still stand by ...

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