How important was Wolsey's own ability in explaining his dominance of English domestic affairs, 1515-1529?

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How important was Wolsey’s own ability in

Explaining his dominance of English domestic affairs, 1515-1529?

“The king must have regarded Wolsey a partner in government; a trusted friend who could maintain good governance without Henry’s constant supervision.” If this were indeed the position Wolsey was in, then it would have been a very advantageous one. There were many contributing factors as to how Wolsey managed to get himself up to that position.

        Thomas Wolsey was born in either 1472 or 1473 in Ipswich; his father was a butcher. He possessed a fine mind and was very ambitious. Wolsey was a very reliable man who thrived on hard work. He took considerable pleasure in his later years re-counting how he had been sent to Oxford at a relatively early age and had been awarded the unofficial title of ‘boy-bachelor’ due to him gaining his first degree at the age of 15. He possessed along with his high intellectual ability an outstanding personality and character. He had the drive and confidence, which were necessary for him to seize opportunities that came his way. It was as if he were ‘afraid of nothing’. Wolsey was prepared to take calculated risked whenever such an occasion rose.  It was in winning the patronage of important people that Wolsey showed he had the essential attributes of an ‘up-and-coming man’. He was able to give out excessive flattery whilst managing to put himself over as an interesting and attractive person. Perhaps most important of all was that he ‘could be relied upon to carry out whatever task was entrusted to him with exemplary skill and application.’ In an age where most people sort to find a gentle pace of life, he thrived on hard and intensive work. It was this that marked him out from his competitors and aided him in getting to the position where he could direct the domestic affairs of England.

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        Another factor in Wolsey’s dominance of the domestic affairs was Wolsey’s relationship with King Henry. The political situation between 1514 and 1529 was rather unusual, somewhat paradoxical. A highly talented and independent young king was very much under the influence of his wily, older minister. This is what some believed to be happening at the time although many historians have been reluctant to believe this the case. Keith Randall says, “While it is freely admitted that Wolsey became very skilful at manipulating others, it is maintained that he had met his match in Henry.” Henry VIII although very young ...

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