How successful was King Richard I in achieving his objectives in the Third Crusade?

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How successful was King Richard I in achieving his objectives in the Third Crusade?

Richard I’s primary objective in the Third Crusade was to recover Jerusalem following it’s recapture by Saladin in October 1187, an objective which he failed to see through. However, the Third Crusade was not a total disaster, as it allowed Richard to somewhat diminish Saladin’s prestige and to protect the remainder of Outremer.

The Third Crusade was called following the loss of Jerusalem. When preaching for a new Crusade in 1189, Pope Innocent III claimed that the primary objective of the Third Crusade was to recover the holy city from the Muslims who had taken it. Recovering Jerusalem was the key objective of the Third Crusade, and despite marching close to it twice in 1189, Richard failed to recover it, which was ultimately ensured that the Crusade could not be entirely successful.

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Furthermore, when Richard decided that his new objective should be to recapture Egypt and then bargain Egypt for Jerusalem with Saladin, as Saladin’s power base and wealth was in Egypt, he had already lost the support of Duke Burgundy and lacked the manpower necessary to take Egypt, so he failed in that respect too.

Following the unsuccessful first march to Jerusalem, Richard took his men back to Ascalon in 1192 to begin rebuilding the castle there in a four month construction program. Ascalon proved to be a formidable offensive and defensive castle, and he could have used it for his ...

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