How successful was Prohibition in the 1920 to 1930s?

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How successful was Prohibition in the 1920 to 1930s?

Prohibition, considering the goals it set out to achieve, was largely unsuccessful. However, it did decrease alcohol consumption at some country areas and just for a few years (1920-1922/3). On January 1920 prohibition was introduced by the 18th amendment that aimed on increasing the level of morality in the USA by banning the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol in the country. However, drinking itself was never illegal. It was mainly supported by women, who saw alcohol as a method in which their husbands oppress them. Also, big business saw drunkenness as a dangerous to business because it decreases efficient of workers. The First World War also made the support for Prohibition to expand, first of all, the country was in a need for food and the grain used in alcohol production could be used as food, so, people felt that stopping drinking was a kind of patriarchal duty for every citizen, another issue is that most of the larges breweries were from German origins and the post-war anti-German feeling led a lot of people to stop buying alcohol from them. So, on the one side, it achieved some positive sides. On the other, it damaged the US society a lot. So, the aim is to decide whether Prohibition was worth it.

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As it was written above Prohibition did achievements. First of all, there was a huge support of Prohibition in some areas that are still non-alcohol such as Utah. Making alcohol banned naturally lead to increase of prices on it and difficulty of its supplying. Therefore, while in towns to find alcohol supplier wasn't such a big problem, they were hard to find where people were agreed with Prohibition. Moreover, rural areas still have traditional values of morality and religion. Undoubtedly that it tended to be the most successful in places where was a culture of temperance. Many people believed that ...

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