How successful were the attempts by Alexander II to reform Russia?

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How successful were the attempts by Alexander II to reform Russia?

After the brutal and extended Napoleonic wars, Russia was perceived as a powerful state that managed to repel the armies of the great Napoleon I. Despite this military success, Russia remained domestically backwards economically, politically and socially. The Crimean war had revealed true weaknesses in the Russia industrial sector. Reforms urgently needed to be instigated if Russia was to become part of the modern European nations.

Amongst all Russian Tsars, it would be fair to describe Alexander II as a pioneer. His father Nicholas I recognised the importance of reforming Russia but feared the consequences of doing so, as Tsars Peter III and Paul I had both been assassinated by unhappy nobles. However, Alexander II most notorious restructuring was to be the emancipation of the serfs. The noble’s ownership of serfs was at the heart of all Russia’s economic problems. Alexander II ordered the serfs to be freed in 1861. This was to mark the fist real effort from any Russian Tsar to reform an outdated system. By freeing the serfs Alexander II forced the Aristocracy to sell of their land and to take up jobs, thus making an effort to end unfair in heritage and promoting, to a certain extent a meritocracy. Serfs were also to suffer less cruel treatment at the hands of greedy landlords. They were given the right to marry, trade and worked as they pleased.

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The reforms brought to serfdom triggered other key reforms such as Zemstva. This consisted in appointing rural local council at district and provincial levels. This policy encouraged liberals to be appointed to the councils such as teachers and scientists. This resulted in better education and public health during the 1980’s. A key success that can be linked to the emancipation of the serfs was that 40% of the local councils were elected by peasants. This allowed local representatives to respond to the needs far better than the central bureaucracy.

In addition to the political and administrative reforms, ...

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