Missouri Compromise 1820.

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Missouri Compromise 1820 Northerners finally were receiving the outcome that they had wished for with slavery slowly declining at the end of the 18th century. Southern economilcal dependancy on slavery was slowly withering away due to the Act of 1808, stating that by that time slavery would not be allowed. Due to this Southerners were forced to change their means of production and the use of slaves. When the 19th century arrived it brought the invention of the Cotton Gin. This invention, created by Eli Whitney, assisted in speeding the picking of cotton by removing the seed. The only flaw in this was that it relied on even more unskilled labor. Slaves were found perfect for the handlying of this machine: it was easy to manufactor and as easy to work.. From this, Southerners found it now more than ever nessesary to hault the abolition of slavery do to the economic prosperity that lied ahead because of the Cotton Gin. In Southern eyes, slavery was a better choice than free labor. IN the case of using free labor Southerners couldn’t be totally dependent on the person because they might demand things such as higher wages. If free laborors were refused what they asked, Southerners faced the risk of them stop working. Because you owned a slave Southerners would never have to worry about such a situation. This threat of prolonging slavery enabled the major conflict between The North and South arise. The Southern view of this conflict was that due to the economical advantages that slavery rbought and the economical disadvantages that an abolition with bring to the states, that the issue of slavery should be considered “a nessasary evil”. Not only this, but some even believed that slavery was doing blacks a favor. They believed that even in Africa balcks had owners, that they are always fed, and are treated better as slaves then they would be as free blacks. Northerners disreguarded any
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attempt in justifying such a matter and stood by there point that slavery was not right. Northern abolishnists fought back and said that slavery went again the fundamental priciple on which America was built on; Equality and freeddon. Not only immoral and sinful but went again the Declaration of Independece which clearly states that “all men were created equal” with no exceptions. The North’s morality and Souths Economic self-interest, and both sides refusal to compromise left the issue in a stalemate. By the North fueling the fire with such articles like The Liberator, inspiring slaves to revolt, and other abolitionist ...

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