"Mussolini's foreign policy was completely successful in the years 1922-35" - How far do you agree?

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"Mussolini's foreign policy was completely successful in the years 1922-35" - How far do you agree? (20 marks)

To understand whether Mussolini’s foreign policy was successful it needs to correspond to Mussolini’s aims for foreign policy which was: to acquire new lands/territory rich in sources and for settling the increasing population, increase the military, expand the empire, complete autarky and maintain unity along with control. For Mussolini’s foreign policy to be successful it would need to have a set intention to meet one of these aims as well as achieve it. During the years 1922-35 Mussolini introduced foreign policies with outcomes of both success and failure but in this essay, I will attempt to show that his policies weren’t completely successful but instead largely a failure as they had no beneficial outcome for the entirety of the country or foreign aims.

One key way in which foreign policy wasn’t successful was the inability to acquire new lands and territory for resources and increasing population. Due to Italy lacking natural resources and the loss of potential land from the mutilated victory Mussolini aimed to gain territory for Italy’s people to supply oil/fuel, finally retrieve the irrednte lands and settle the population. The main foreign policies that focused on this aim was the Corfu incident in august 1923 and the Locarno pact January 1925. In the Corfu incident Mussolini believed/ wanted the disputed Dodecanese lands with Greece and after the Italian General, Enrico Tellini, was murdered he used this as a motive to forcefully occupy and claim the lands. However, these efforts didn’t lead to Italy gaining any material achievements as they couldn’t gain/maintain the land due to the threat of the League of nations. Similarly, in the Locarno pact Mussolini hoped to gain the Italian populated lands from Austria-Hungary however, he failed to link the treaty to negotiations on Italy and Austria borders leaving Italy yet again with no material achievements. It can be seen that the result of Mussolini’s foreign policy to acquire land failed as Italy didn’t retrieve any land. Instead, Mussolini gained success domestically as the Italian people saw him working alongside the great powers and saw Mussolini as standing up for Italy’s national pride.

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Alternatively, despite the foreign polices not achieving complete success there is some accomplishment to be gained from them. Specifically, in expanding influence into south eastern Europe which focused on the aim of maintaining control as well as Mussolini’s key goal of gaining a greater influence in Europe. Through backing King Zog’s I accession to president in January 1925 and self-proclamation in 1928 Italy became protected by Albania. This meant Italy was gaining support along with significance amongst the European nation. Furthermore, the success of this policy was heightened when Mussolini undermined Yugoslavia and supported nationalist and Croatian movements that aimed ...

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