Planning a Film: The Kings Bane-Cast

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The Kings Bane-Cast


King - Great, and kind leader, in love with princess and gets married to her.

King of Evil - Wants the throne and the princess.

Beautiful Princess - Beautiful, in love with King.

Servants and Guards - Help and protect the king.


Merridoc - Son of King, heir to the throne, lonely, shunned by servants.

King - From a different kingdom.

Good army - Huge, lead by Michael.

Evil army - Also very big, led by evil King.


When the King is in his late 20's, the King of Evil attempts to assassinate him. He fails, but not executed, he is banished because the King is kind, and does not believe in capital punishment. A year later, the King and Princess get married and have a single baby, called Merridoc. During this time, the King of Evil makes plans to attack the kingdom, and take the throne and princess. He raises a medium sized army and after eleven years of being banished he attacks the Kings lands, and kills the King. Luckily, the heir escapes, to the great disappointment of Evil King. However, he succeeds in stealing the throne, and starts to pillage the land and consume its natural resources. The small and immature boy is sheltered by a neighbouring King, and is brought up as a warrior.
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8 years later. The boy has shown a great talent in fighting, and is well learned. He has matured greatly, and the King holds him in great esteem. The King makes him a general of a large army, and after being asked, he lets Merridoc lead this army into Merridocs rightful kingdom. A large battle takes place in which Merridoc leads the army. He kills the King of evil, and is named the king of the land.


King - Will Smith

King of Evil - Christian Slater

Princess - Sarah Michelle Gellar


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