Reign of Louis XIV - major events and politics revision notes.

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The Reign of Louis XIV

Religious Wars & pwr struggle

-1572-st. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre-6 week nationwide slaughter of Huguenots in Paris

        Henry of Navarre

        -1589- Catherine & her last son died, Prince Henry inherited throne

        -Henry IV- 1st king of Bourbon dynasty in France

        -gave up Protestantism & became Catholic

-1598-declared Huguenots could live in peace in France & set up own houses of worship in some cities- Edict of Nantes

-devoted his reign to rebuilding France & its prosperity

-restored French monarchy to a strong position

-1610-fanatic jumped into the royal carriage & stabbed Henry to death

Louis XIII & Cardinal Richelieu

-son of Henry

-1642- appointed a strong minister who made up 4 his weaknesses

-Cardinal Richelieu-ruler of France, pursued ambitions in pol. Arena

-2 steps

-1. Moved against Huguenots-forbade protestant cities 2 have walls

-2. Weakened nobles pwr-ordered them 2 take down their fortified castles- incr. pwr of gov agents from middle class

        -wanted 2 make France the strongest state in Europe

        -greatest obstacle= Hapsburg Rulers- land surrounded France

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        -involved France in the 30 Years War

Writers Turn Toward Skepticism

        -idea that nothing can ever be known for certain

-doubt toward churches that claimed they have the only correct set of doctrines

Montaigne & Descartes

-Michel de Montaigne developed new form of literature-essay-breif work that expresses a person’s thought & opinions

-ideas replace themselves

-humans could never have absolute ideas on what is true

-Rene Descartes-Meditations on First Philosophy-skeptical argument that one could never be certain on anything

-observations & reasons 2 answer arguments

-created a philosophy that influenced modern thinkers 2 develop scientific method

Louis XIV Comes 2 ...

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