Religion was the most serious problem facing Elizabeth in 1558? How far do you agree with this statement?

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Religion was the most serious problem facing Elizabeth in 1558?

How far do you agree with this statement?

When Elizabeth’s reign began in 1558 England was in the middle of a ‘mid-Tudor crisis’. Elizabeth was inheriting a terrible situation, which she had to sort out. Over the last 40 years there had been 3 different rulers, Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I all of which had very different views on religion and running the country. Elizabeth was left with many problems which included religion, finance, foreign policies and gender. There is evidence to support the statement that religion was the most serious problem but there is also evidence that suggests that there were many other factors involved too.

Elizabeth first big problem was religion. She had to decide on the nature of the religious settlement she would introduce. Elizabeth had three choices; she could follow the English Catholicism, which her father Henry VIII had. She could follow Protestantism, like Edward or finally Roman Catholicism, like Mary. The problem was that whichever one she picked she would upset and anger one set of people. For example a group of extreme Protestants, known as the Marian Exiles, had fled to Europe during Mary’s reign, they had returned in 1558 expecting to be offered influential government posts. If they didn't acquire this would they rebel and cause problems for Elizabeth? The country was clearly divided; many important people like nobilities and the educated also needed to be pleased. The nobility were largely Catholic and were important during the Tudor period. Educated people from universities and London on the other hand were Protestant, again creating a divide. Elizabeth also needed to keep the Pope happy. As head of the Catholic Church, the Pope could excommunicate Elizabeth, and if he did exclude her from the church he technically released her subjects from obeying her. However at the time even if this did happen many people would still obey Elizabeth and treat her as their leader. The Pope also could call on the Catholic powers in Europe to lead a religious crusade against England and its ungodly ruler. Finally, Elizabeth was not regarded as the legitimate heir to the English throne by many Roman Catholics. These Catholics along with Henry II of France supported Mary Queen of Scots. They wanted to overthrow Elizabeth and replace her with the ‘true heir’ Mary.

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To solve these problems Elizabeth brought in two new acts. Firstly the Act of Supremacy 1559, this made Elizabeth Supreme Governor of the Church. It also gave Protestants freedom, something they didn't have in Mary's reign. This would have gained Elizabeth support from them.  As well as this, the act provided communion in both kinds, keep Catholics and Protestants happy. It would seem Elizabeth was trying to make a religious settlement for both religions. This act passed through parliament easily, showing Elizabeth clearly had a lot of support behind her. Secondly the Act of Uniformity was brought in, in ...

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