Role of Women Under Stalin

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Candidate #0847-0001

What was the role and status of women in

Russia from 1924-1941 under Josef Stalin?

Internal Assessment

Coral Millican

Standard Level History

Candidate #

Word Count:  

Table of Contents

Plan of Investigation

What was the role and status of women in Russia from 1924-1941 under Josef Stalin?

This topic is going to be investigated because over the course of Russian history, each leader, from Lenin to Stalin to Khrushchev, had a different position regarding the role and status of women, as Stalin was Russia’s leader during World War II, this investigation will focus on the role and status of women under Stalin.  This investigation will consider women’s influence in politics under Stalin’s rule.  The rights of women concerning their own bodies will be investigated.  The source that will give the best insight into how women were treated by Stalin is the book Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar.  One of the sources, Women Under Stalin, discusses how the Five Year Plans affected women, this is going to be an important document for the investigation because the Five Year Plans were Stalin’s creations and directly express how he influenced the role of women.  Women in different positions, such as workers in industry and as mothers will also be scrutinized.  

Summary of Evidence

The evidence concerning women’s influence in Stalin’s politics:

  • “The proportion of female party members did climb from 7.5 percent in 1920 to 13.1 percent in 1930.”
  • “Yet, the expansion of women in the general membership of the Party did not lead to a growing role in positions of leadership.”
  • “The gradual increase in women's share of Party membership did not translate into greater representation within the Party elite.”

The evidence concerning women and marriages:

  • “The 1926 Marriage Code established community property in marriage and easy divorce procedures, even divorce by mail.”
  • “By 1934, 37 percent of marriages in Moscow ended in divorce.”
  • “In 1935 divorce was made more difficult and expensive for women to obtain.”

The evidence concerning the rights of women regarding their own bodies:

  • “A decree in Vladimir made every virgin over the age of eighteen state property.”
  • Women were allowed to have abortions up until they were banned in 1936, “with Stalin's decision to expand the work force.”

The evidence concerning degradation of women:

  • “Two million German women would be raped in the coming months.  Russian soldiers even raped Russian women newly liberated from Nazi camps.”
  • In response to the raping of Russian women, Stalin says “What is so awful about his having fun with a woman after such horrors?”
  • "In the mixed-sex camps, noncriminal [political-prisoner] women were frequently mass-raped by urkas [male criminals], or had to sell themselves for bread, or to get protection from camp officials."
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The evidence concerning the effects of the Five Year Plans on women:

  • “The five year plans created more jobs in the 1930s which were often very willingly filled by women, since it had been extremely difficult for women to obtain work in the 20s with the scarcity of available jobs.”
  • “The years between 1930 and 1937 saw a massive influx of women into industry.  By 1932, the number of women employed had risen from three million to six million.”
  • “During the second Five Year plan, an even more substantial rise took place ...

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