Russia 1905-1941

Introduction to Russia

At the beginning of the century Russia was difficult to rule for many reasons.

.) Poor Communications - Russia was too big to effectively send messages across yet, you couldn't send messages by road either as most roads hadn't been paved making it difficult to pass across. Many rivers were impassable and the Trans Siberian Railway took over a week to go from Moscow to Vladivostok

2.) Diverse languages - many Russians spoke French or other languages rather than Russian, as most were not Russian and didn't consider themselves to be, they considered themselves to be Georgians or Kazaks, not Russian. People also resented what was called Russification, this was the process of making people speak Russian, wear Russian clothes and obey the Russian Tzar.

3.) Sparse Population - Much of Russia was uninhabitable due to the Tundra in the North, most of Northern Russia is within the Arctic circle and so becomes desolate.

4.) Illiteracy - much of Russia was illiterate and those who could speak and write Russian preferred French anyway.

5.) Size - Russia spanned over two continents when Moscow was eating breakfast, it was an evening meal in Vladivostok.

The Peasants

Conditions for the peasants were very poor, many peasants used to be serfs, they were owned by the lords and would work on the lords land, when it was changed most of the land was given to the lords and it was the best land. At the time there was also a great population growth whereby the population increased by 50%, between 1860 and 1897.All of this inequality led to a revolution against the Tzar (Czar) in 1905.

The Urban Workers

The urban workers worked in place such as St. Petersburg and Moscow. The workers were treated unfairly, paid terrible wages, and forced to work long and hard. Their houses were small flats and from these they were expected to raise families.

The Nobility

Although the nobility only made up 1% of the population they controlled between them a quarter of all Russian land. They had large prosperous country estates and ruled with serfs, although no nobles tried to overthrow the Tzar in Russia, they all had separate armies.

Nicholas II

The current Tzar at the time was Nicholas II, many people saw him as incompetent and useless. Nicholas didn't listen to his advisors he done what he thought was right and that was it. Nicholas believed in an autocracy, he believed everything he done was right, and that it was supported by god, Nicholas believed that democracy would destroy Russia completely. It is told that he cared for his family more than Russia, and especially cared about his son Alexis, who had an illness. Any opposition to the Tzar was dealt with directly with violence, he would crush any political or military coup d'etait's by using the feared Cossack army. He did not visit Russia at any point, he remained in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg during the entirety of his rule. After 1905 he ventured out to see peasants but even this was a set up in front of the Tzar to make Russia look greater in front of him.

The Russo - Japanese War

In 1902 there were strikes all over Russia and the Tzar used the Police to put them down, but in 1904, the Japanese attacked the Russians, this increased Patriotism. Nicholas looked at the War as a war to increase him popularity if he won. However the Japanese advanced far into Manchuria and defeated the Russians at Mukden and at Port Arthur. The Tzars navy sailed round the West Coast of Japan only to be sunk within half and hour.

Bloody Sunday

This was a day when many strikers marched against the Tzar at St. Petersburg. Led by Father Gapon in non-violence protest the workers marched towards the Winter Palace. They walked on to find the Tzar's army, fighting broke out and hundreds were killed. This increased bitterness as news of the massacre spread Russian peasants rebelled and began looting houses. Sailors on the ship Potemkin seized the ship and sailed towards Romania. The Tzar surrendered to the Japanese and the Russo-Japanese war was ended
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The 1905 Revolution

The three parties that wanted to take over were

.) The Liberals (Cadets) : They wanted the Tzar to rule as a monarch but they wanted greater rights. These were middle-classed doctors and lawyers, educated people.

2.) The Social Revolutionaries (Peasants Party) : They wanted to overthrow the Tzar and they wanted all land to belong to the peasants however and they were prepared to use violence and assassination if needed.

3.) The Social Democrats wanted to create a communist state and overthrow the Tzar. Their main support was from ...

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