Russian Revolution Sources Question

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Russian Revolution Sources Question

We can learn a lot about the two characters from their childhood experience. Lenin was born into a middle class family while Stalin was the son of a poor cobbler. Lenin had a far more comfortable childhood than Stalin, the latter was beaten by his father and I think these experiences actually made him stronger and this helped him become a brutal dictator. Also he learned early to hide his true feelings and to bide his time, this definitely helped him succeed as a strong politician.

The childhood experience that most affected Lenin was the hanging of his brother in 1887 for plotting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. This seemed to turn him against the Tsarist regime and from here he started to read the works of Karl Marx. Stalin also read Marx and this tells us they have very similar beliefs. Both wanted to achieve communism and they believed the Tsar should be overthrown and Russia to become first a socialist and then a communist country.

It could be said that their characters were very similar. Stalin is famed for his purges and the taking of the grain from the peasants for his collectivisation. This led many people's view that his character was an evil one while Lenin was a good, gentle man. But he too took grain from the peasants for 'War Communism'. Also his secret police, the CHEKA arrested tortured and executed those who opposed the Bolsheviks.

But Stalin's killings were on a far bigger scale. By the end of Lenin's reign around 250,000 people had been executed while purges resulted in 7 million being shot in 1935-1941 alone.

Perhaps the greatest summing up of Stalin's character was the name he gave himself, Stalin. He was actually born Iosef Dzhugasvelli. Stalin actually means 'steel' and his strength proves that he was a man of steel. For example when the Germans kidnapped is son during WW2 he refused a German offer to exchange his son.

Although Lenin and Stalin had the same ultimate goal, communism, they had very different ideas about achieving it. Lenin believed that by teaching the Russian people the glories of Communism he could then get everyone on his side and Communism would be great for the Russian people. By contrast Stalin forced everyone to believe in Communism by sending them to a gulag if they didn't.

Both were skilful politicians who knew how to use their strengths to get what they wanted and both most importantly had strong enough characters and strong enough beliefs to control the world's biggest country.


Some think that Lenin was a modest man who had no personal ambition, Davis Shub said in 'Lenin: an autobiography' that "no dictator in history was less vain".

Other historians see him as a ruthless man who used terror to stay in power. Maxim Gorky, a writer and Lenin's friend said Lenin had a "lack of morality and a merciless, lordly harshness towards the lives of the masses."

But there is no doubt that Lenin had a huge impact on Russia and the Russian people.

Without Lenin Russia would probably not of become a communist country in November 1917. He was the main person who encouraged the Russians to seize power, many thought they had to wait.
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For many Russian people communism was a good thing. Peasants were able to take land from their owners. At first the Bolsheviks the peasants were useless but Lenin realised they were important to the revolution. Trotsky, a fellow Bolshevik described the Russian peasants as "the pack-animals of history". Lenin stole the land policy from the social revolutionaries, this put the peasants on the Bolshevik's side. This shows Lenin's ability to change his policies to get the Russian people on his side.

But Lenin's policies were not all positive for the Russian peasants who made up the majority ...

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