Special Person

Her teeth glisten like white pearls reflecting off the sun’s rays. She lived up to her nickname - the Queen of Clean. When I visited her house with my brother, her floor was so clean you could see your face shine through. She would make chicken and humus, the aroma was like a warm abound of embracement. The flavours of sweet, sour and chilli flared the taste buds. Children from around the town would come and then she would tell us Somalian folktales:

waxaa jirey labo nin, war hebelow, maxad ugu jeclaan lahayd heshid?

Waxaan jeclay inaan helo ari badan. War adna maxaad jeclaan lahayd inaad heshid?

Waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan helo raxan yey ah oo arigaaga cunta. War maxaad yeyda arugayga u cunsiinaysaa, ma sidaas baynu saa xiibo ku nahay? Maxaa yeelay, keligaa baa ariga. Ka dib way isu caroodeen ooo dirireen, ilaa iska daaleen oo midba dhinac u dhacay. War maxaynu isku dileynaa? Rajo heli ah!

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Once lived two men, neither had any property. One day one of them asked the other:

Tell me, my friend what is your wish in life? I wish I owned many goats. The second man asked what’s your? I wish I owned a pack of wolves that could feed on your goats. But why do you wish my goats be hurt by your wolves. Because you wanted all those goats to yourself and gave me nothing, is that what you call friendship. They both got angry and fought until they fell apart unconscious.  What are we fighting for? Only a ...

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