The Character of Louis Philippe was the main reason for his overthrow. How far do you agree?

The Character of Louis Philippe was the main reason for his overthrow. How far do you agree?
After the overthrowing of Charles X, The throne was taken over by the new king, Louis Philippe in 1830. Louis Philippe had several liberal views. He called himself “The Bourgeois King" and he owed his existence to the will of the people. He had lived a simple life.
By the time of his regime several political parties had come into existence in France. They were Constitutionalists, Royalists, Republican and Bonapartists. Louis Philippe tried to rule like a moderate, in an attempt to appease everyone, so that no party would go against him, some might say this indecisive and ‘weak’ quality was reason for his overthrow. While others may argue that the economic depression in France from 1845 onwards was a situation out of Louis Philippe’s control, evidence suggests that had he controlled the situation better and responded differently then he may not have been overthrown, leading back to the issue of his personality and character, which compelled him to abdicate the throne in 1848.