The most important pre-requisite for a civilization to reach its Golden Age

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Every civilization will rise and fall at some point in time. That is what defines a civilization. The peak of a civilization’s rise and fall would be called the civilization’s Golden Age. Civilizations’ Golden Ages differ depending on how much they had advanced during their Golden Age. As the Golden Age is the peak of a civilization, naturally the civilization would fall afterwards, which is what makes it the Golden Age, where the citizens were all generally happy and content with their lives and with nothing to fear for. There are many factors that are vital for a civilization to reach its peak, such as strong military, a good and stable government and an open society along with economic prosperity.

A government with good leadership is an essential pre-requisite for a civilization to reach its peak. Having a strong leader in the government will ensure the civilization’s safety against threats. Thus, the citizens will feel safe and peaceful when there is no fear of any danger coming their way. Hence, the people of the civilization will have no unrest and can be at peace. When they are at peace, artists and scientists can then focus their time on the arts and sciences, developing it and thus helping the civilization progress into its golden age. A case in point would be the Gupta Dynasty, with good leaders such as Chandra Gupta I, Samudra Gupta and Chandra Gupta II, where Samudra was not only a good military leader, but he was also a patron of the arts, promoting it and helping the Gupta civilization thrive during its Golden Age. Examples of their advancement include epic poems composed by citizens such as Mahabharata and stories like Puranas. In addition, a basic medical textbook was also created, as well as Arabic numerals, something most of the world uses today. In doing so, this will give way to new ideas and ways of thinking for the people, thus driving the society forward into its Golden Age.

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In addition, a good government that allows for an open society is a vital factor in helping a civilization reach its Golden Age. By being open and flexible to new ideas, the society can then make progress. By enabling ideas from abroad to enter the society and to put them to use, cultural and intellectual exchange can take place between civilizations, benefiting both, as well as giving them new ideas such that these ideas can be used to develop the arts and science. Hence, they will flourish and bring the civilization higher and nearer to its peak. A good example ...

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