The Not so Free

The Not So Free


On Sunday the 14th of October 1962 an American U-2 spy plane flew over Cuba, it took detailed and disturbing photographs of missile sites in Cuba. It appeared that Cuba was supporting Soviet Union in a missile program, the missiles were close enough to put the lives of millions of American civilians at risk. The American’s had little time to react and crucially they did not react quickly enough. The little island of Cuba with USSR support launched an attack on the USA. The Americans were completely caught by surprise with major cities of America destroyed by the nuclear weapons on Cuba.  

Chapter 1

General Williams a tall, broad shouldered and intelligent man walks into the large elevator, the elevator was just a metal box but at the top of the elevator were blinding lights. He presses the button which will take them to the floor that he wanted. Now briskly walking down the long corridor to the living quarters, he shows his family the living quarters and tries desperately to cheer them up, they weren’t stupid it was 4 in the morning and they were in a military base, it didn’t take very long even at that hour in the morning to put 2 and 2 together. After saying goodbye and I will see you later he continues his walk down the long wide corridor to the control room, which was located at the end of the corridor.

 The General walks into the dark room which was only lit up by the constant flashing of the red lights with the most annoying siren, thinking to himself “Will someone please turn that bloody siren off”. He looks at the man on a control panel, and instantly speaks in a loud deep tone of voice clearly scaring the guy on the control panel, who was only a computer technician. “What’s going on? You had better not of woken me up at half past three in the morning for no reason!” Then suddenly realising that he is no major but just a technician he shuts up and begins to walk away.  Then another guy from the distance hears the shouting and quickly cutting in before the general scares some other guy to an early grave. Speaking in a normal tone of voice gradually sounding louder as he walks closer to the general “I’m Major Roberts, I’m the one that woke you up at half past 3 in morning sir” now the major was clearly speaking in a fresh tone of voice, the guy on the control panel was clearly relieved that his ordeal with the general was over and some one else has intervened. The general suddenly recognising the voice turns to face the Major, everyone in the room looks away to watch the general look as if he is going to castrate Major Roberts. Even Major Roberts is beginning to get worried, his faced now as white as a sheet and holding his breath, thinking to himself “Is this the General Williams I know. The General then takes a deep breath practically depriving the room of all the available oxygen and shouts “Well, Well, Well if it isn’t” Now lowering the tone of his voice. “My old friend Jack Roberts”

“I had you going there you actually looked scared” said the General “No I was just playing along” Quickly replied the major who didn’t want to admit to being worried as the general would never let him live it down. “Its good to see you John but we have to save the chat for another time we have a major problem” Says Jack calmly but very quickly. “So what’s the problem” If you can walk this way with me I’ll take you to the briefing” Walking slowly towards the glass room where the briefing will be held, John is filled in about the crisis by Jack.

“So what’s the death toll so far” asks John “We don’t know the numbers yet however we can estimate at 24-25 million” “Which cities were hit” “This is the bad part” says Jack. “Go on”. “Washington, Chicago and New York. John failed to reply completely stunned that 25 million people were now dead and many more were going to die from the nuclear fallout, and that’s if America doesn’t react, and as he knows America will react and millions more will lose there lives in someone else’s war. Then he blurts out as he overcomes the shock “President Kennedy?” “He was on Air Force one on his way back at the time”.

The two men continued there walk to the glass briefing room, they walked into the room. Greeted by 3 more people, General Foster a small, grumpy man who knew exactly what he wanted, he was awarded several medals for bravery, in World War 2 when his platoon was ambushed and he went back under fire to save them. Admiral Sandhurst, the know it all for the navy, according to many Americans, he is “Americas Nelson”, he served in WW2 and his fleet successfully sank many enemy battleships and submarines which were cutting off supplies to the allies in the east. The other person was General Edwards he was the US specialist in the air he had a medium build and average height he is the kind of guy you wouldn’t normally notice. This was where they decide what to do next.

Chapter 2

After a long discussion and still no answer from any of the generals, Major Roberts cuts in. “What missile sites that can reach us do the Russians have?” General Williams knowing a fair amount on the intelligence side of this replies in quick response “Not that many”. “We could hit the major towns and cities like they have” General Edwards calmly suggested. “Yes then we could blockade Cuba to give no more resources” said the Admiral. “Then take out there current missiles on Cuba with an tactical air strike”. This all suddenly strings together in a matter of seconds after hours of silence. There was a series of hum’s and haw’s and refinements to the plan until someone finally jumps to the point.  “Are we all agreeing on this new plan,” said the Major. “Yes” replies all of the people in the meeting at once.

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 “What will we do after this plan” questions the Admiral clearly worried. Just before anyone can give an answer the Admiral continues talking. “This will not make the hostilities against our 2 countries end you do know that”. “Of course we know that, however after we carry out our plan we can launch an invasion of some kind then if needs be or possibly if we have to, hit some more cities with nuclear weapons” replies the major in a defensive style as if the Admirals comments were somehow incriminating him. “I think we need something for the media to ...

This is a preview of the whole essay