The political establishment in Germany succeeded in maintaining the status quo through a policy of moderate reform How far do you agree with this judgement?

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‘The political establishment in Germany succeeded in maintaining the status quo through a policy of moderate reform’

How far do you agree with this judgement?

With Germany being a relatively young country, they encountered the problems of every other growing country before them, the major problem being trying to maintain a somewhat order in their political establishment whilst also trying to keep up the status quo. Germany’s political system during the early twentieth century was somewhat similar to America’s legal system; this is due to the fact that there was one main political leader, The Kaiser, and he was then followed by a constitution which consisted of a variety of parties which collectively was known as the Reichstag. However, this is where one of Germany’s problems occurs, this problem being the fact that Germany was infact an autocracy, meaning the Kaiser had the overall power to make decisions that affected the country and also to override any decision that was brought to light or agreed in the Reichstag.

The fact that Germany was an autocracy, meaning they were ruled by one single leader, meant that decisions were only made by the Kaiser and this was due to the fact that the Kaiser had the power to override the decisions of the Reichstag. This caused a massive rift in the political system, as with the Kaiser being the main figure of power the Reichstag feared opposing the Kaiser in fear of being tarnished unpatriotic and so as a result would often support the decisions of the Kaiser, even if in their heart of hearts they disagreed with the decision made. A prime example of Kaiser dominance can be found during the Zabern Affair, when a German army officer offended the locals of Zabern and even went as far to assault an old, crippled man, this sparked an uproar in Zabern to which the Kaiser did not even react to and instead passed off the responsibility to another army general and with this the army did not react to the Kaiser’s disinterest due to them either being scared of the Kaiser or loyally tied to him.

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On the other hand, there are good signs and one of them comes in the form of the changing constituency boundaries. These changes in the constituency boundaries most definitely maintained the status quo for the political establishment of Germany as from the changes the most popular vote was not always followed through on and instead other ideas and views were listened, meaning other groups in society were now having a say in how their country was run. A prime example of where this happened was when the CP and the SPD received three million more votes ...

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