'The three great quarrels of region, class and church caused the Spanish Civil War.' Discuss.

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Gregory Bell

December 1, 2003

HL History

The Spanish Civil War Essay

  1. ‘The three great quarrels of region, class and church caused the Spanish Civil War.’ Discuss.

Eventually the Spanish Civil War was a battle between two quite evenly matched sides, the more right wing fascists who had the support of the wealthy latifundios, church and noblemen against the moderate to leftwing communists and anarchists who got their support from the working class and the more rural and impoverished areas of Spain. It where then the hostilities and differences between the two sides which trace back to the quarrels of region, class and church that caused such a violent civil war to break out in 1936. While the regional disputes deeply angered the military, the struggle over class and church irritated the landowners and clergy. These three powerful groups then saw no possibility other than a violent coup to prevent the ever more popular left from making irreversible changes. However, though the internal quarrels account for a major part of the Civil war, the external factors which did play a role in the causing of the Spanish Civil war may certainly not be forgotten.

The quarrel over class was one very important to the cause of the Civil War. Though there was a small industrial and mercantile middle class bourgeoisie the real power and wealth lay in the hands of the latifundios, the big landlords. Though over the years they had used their political power to keep stability, their economic monopoly, however, created social instability as nothing ever really changed. This eventually led to an ever widening economic gap between the different social classes in Spain. By the late 1920’s it was said that southern Spain was one of the poorest areas in the whole of Europe. A large working class had also developed in northern Spain who opposed the wealth Latitifundistas. This naturally led to deep division between the Spanish social classes as was seen by the Asturian uprising of 1934 were 70,000 communist oriented miners revolted and occupied the city of Oviedo. The fact that this revolt was then brutally put down by General Franco only further divided Spain’s social classes between the left and right, known as the polarization of politics which was becoming evident in Spain by the early 1930’s. When the newly elected government, which was backed by the lower classes of Spain, then introduced new reforms such as the Decrees of Municipal Boundaries and Obligatory Cultivation which gave many landless laborers opportunities to work, the right, which was backed by the Latitifundistas was outraged and quickly undid the reforms after the elections of 1933. Ultimately, the social quarrel which had deep roots in Spanish society was an important factor towards the cause of the Spanish Civil War as it both polarized Spanish politics, destroying the central parties, and caused great social divisions which eventually resulted in violent conflict.

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The regional conflict was the second of the three major quarrels which led to the outbreak of a Civil War in 1936. As the class conflict had deeply angered the Latitifundistas who were afraid of losing their economic power, the regional conflict was one of the important reasons the military saw it as necessary to perform the coup in 1936 which eventually led to the Civil War. As a theme of discontent, regionalism had been a constant problem dating back four centuries prior to the Spanish Civil War. Both in the northern Basque region and in Catalonia, language and local ...

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