The USA should have been successful in Vietnam because of its technological and military supremacy. However, the USA failed to use this supremacy effectively to defeat a smaller less advanced enemy"

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“The USA should have been successful in Vietnam because of its technological and military supremacy. However, the USA failed to use this supremacy effectively to defeat a smaller less advanced enemy”

Do you agree or disagree with this interpretation?

Explain using the sources and knowledge from your studies

Nick Raynor

   The quote is saying that the USA should have won the Vietnam War because they had better weapons and better trained soldiers than the Vietcong. This can be split into 2 parts: ‘America should have won’ and, ‘America had better weapons and training than the Vietcong’. I agree with the first part because America should have won the Vietnam War as they are very powerful. I disagree with the second part because the Vietcong ha supplies from Russia and China which were good weapons and they were extremely well trained, but in guerrilla warfare. It does NOT mean they were less advanced.

   The USA was not automatically going to win. They underestimated the enemy greatly which caused problems. They were also seen as the foreigner by the Vietnamese peasants. The people did not want them in their country and many supported the Vietcong. They were often killed if suspected to be Vietcong supporters which just turned the peasants against the USA more. The USA tried to win the support of the peasants by offering medical help, farming advice and assistance with technology. This policy was known as ‘winning the hearts and minds’, but it could not compete with the simple tactics of the Vietcong. They had code of code of conduct which won peasant support. It was very simple.

Vietminh Code of Conduct

  1. Be polite
  2. Be fair
  3. Return anything borrowed
  4. Pay for anything damaged
  5. Do not bully
  6. Do not damage crops
  7. Do not flirt with women
  8. Do not ill-treat prisoners

This was better than the American’s ‘winning the heart and minds’ as it gave the peasants respect, especially the women, who were often raped by American soldiers.

   America did have better technology which you would have expected them to use toothier advantage more than they did. Where the American’s had helicopters, the Vietcong had bikes. The American’s had bombs which they used in Operation Rolling Thunder. They had a large quantity of them too as they dropped more bombs than were dropped in the whole of World War II. They had chemicals such as Agent Orange and Napalm which was special. Regular Napalm just sets fire to things which can be put out with water or by taking the oxygen away. The American’s developed it so that it could burn without oxygen which created devastating effects. People rolled on the ground but it continued to burn through their body and it still burnt people when they jumped in water.

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  I do disagree that the American’s were better trained. They were better trained in conventional warfare and had a lot of experience from World War II. But the Vietcong matched this. They were better trained than the American’s but not in conventional warfare. They were experts in guerrilla warfare which proved vital in their defeat on the USA. They also had a lot experience as they were at war with the French for a long time.

   The American’s also had more problems which prevented them from winning the war. In my opinion, this was probably the main reason ...

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