The USA was hit by the Great Depression in 1929 because of increasing restrictions on international trade. How far do you agree with this opinion?

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‘The USA was hit by the Great Depression in 1929 because of increasing restrictions on international trade’. How far do you agree with this opinion?

The Great Depression was caused by numeral factors including the over production of goods, the economic impact of World War One and the decline of the construction industry. However, I would be inclined to support the opinion that ‘the USA was hit by the Great Depression in 1929 because of increasing restrictions of international trade’, due to the implementation of tariffs. Both the Fordney McCumber Act and Hawley Smoot resulted in retaliation tariffs on exports; therefore purchasing power relied solely on the domestic market. However, by the late 1920s the market was already saturated as a result of the inequalities in wealth throughout the USA due to Republican Laissez faire policy; which created an economic crisis within the country due to failure of purchasing to keep up with productivity.

Source 7 supports the view that the Great Depression was because of increasing restrictions on international trade; quoting that the ‘trend in most countries to raise tariffs…made trade more difficult’. Due to the Fordney McCumber Act being passed in 1922 there was already tariffs on goods imported to the USA. However it was the Hawley Smoot tariff which was passed in 1930 in the vain hope of protecting the market by encouraging domestic trade placed an average of 40% on agricultural and industrial goods imported to the USA. Together the two tariffs along with the retaliatory tariffs placed on American exports, curtailed world trade and between 1929 and 1930 world trade dropped $500 million, falling a further $1.2 billion in the following year after the implementation of the Hawley Smoot.  This caused America to hit the Depression and added to its severity; as the demand for consumer products within the USA had curtailed by 1929, as the majority of the population had already bought the consumer goods they wished on consumer credit. Moreover, in 1929 a Brookings Institute report found that 60% of American families had an annual income of less than $2000, resulting in them living on or below the poverty line, the effect of this meant that the majority of families within the USA couldn’t afford to buy the necessities let alone anything else. Therefore, once the remaining 40% had bought all the goods they wished to buy there would be no one left to sell to, which in return would result in a downward spiral throughout the USA of a lack of spending and thus unemployment causing the US to hit the Great Depression.

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Source 7 goes on to highlight overproduction as a result of the increasing restrictions of international trade, as it raises the argument that ‘many countries were in economic trouble…this contributed to American economic instability because the United States could not expand its foreign market as rapidly as its production’. This, as argued by the source was ‘complicated by the international debts and reparations left over from the First World War’, as $10 billion were owed overall in reparations to the USA, $6.6 billion of which were owed by Germany. The result of such reparations meant that European countries would have ...

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