To what extent can Gladstones first ministry be considered a great reforming ministry?

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To what extent can Gladstone’s first ministry be considered a great reforming ministry?

Gladstone’s first ministry could be considered as great reforming ministry due to all the changes he established from 1868. The reforms he made were able to meet his three main aims, which he focused on; desire for a good government, efficiency and economy. Particular acts had moved away from unfair privileges, meaning there was now equality for all, which hadn’t been seen before. Although not everyone benefited from all the acts and reforms, it seemed to bring more success than unsuccess as it also brought many changes for the better. A great reforming ministry should be to improve an existing institution or law by alteration or correction.

One of the first reforms that Gladstone introduced was the Education Reform. Within this reform there were three major acts; Public Schools Act (1868), Elementary Education Act (1870) and the University Tests Act (1871). The Public Schools Act meant that the government would revise the deeds of schools such as Eton and Harrow. This portrayed a more efficient government, as they were more willing to get involved. However, although this did improve the schools, this wasn’t a massive change as it only played a minor role in the whole reform. The Elementary Education Act was needed because Britain needed to remain competitive in the world of manufacture and improvement. However, in doing this, it would mean that people would need to well educated. Parents still had to pay fees for their children to attend school, unless they were poor, which meant that boards would pay, even if they attended Church schools. Parents still had some control as to what they were being taught as they could withdraw their child from religious education, no matter what school they attended. Factory owners feared that with compulsory school being enforced this would remove children as a source of cheap labour. Instead, with the simple Maths and English they were acquiring, factory owners now had workers who could read and make measurements. This act improved things for the better as it gave people equal opportunity and the right to a good education, no matter how much money they had. Although this act showed the importance of school, it wasn’t until 1880 that school was made compulsory and still this was only to the age of ten and there continued to be an on going political clashes between the interests of the church, private schools and the National Education League followers.  Furthermore, this act didn’t suit everyone as the non – conformists believed that this act didn’t go far enough for them and they still weren’t getting an equal opportunity, meaning Gladstone hadn’t met his aims. The University Test Act was seen as necessary to introduce, as before, top universities such as Cambridge and Oxford continued to act on out-dated rules. These stated that only Anglican Christians could teach, administer, or be a member of a fellowship with any of their colleges. This social exclusivity was seen as an injustice that didn’t fit with Gladstone’s aim for equality. Therefore, this act was made and stated that anyone wishing to take an academic degree did not have to be any particular faith. This then allowed Non – conformists to become students at Oxford, Cambridge and Durham. They could also apply for scholarships and fellowships, and refuse to attend lectures if it interfered with their faith. A positive outcome of the act was that it highlighted the point that Britain were becoming more accepting of Non-Anglicans and steadily became acceptable members of society. The act as a whole, reflects upon success as it demonstrates his extreme effort to eliminate religious discrimination, providing equal opportunity for people with all beliefs. This act could be considered to be a great reform as it abolished the privileges’ of different religions and gave people the right to make their own choices through equality of opportunity. This act was improved greatly, as people were now more tolerant towards other religions and non- conformists.

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The next reforms that Gladstone introduced were the Army and Civil Service. The army reform was introduced in 1869 because of the recent experience with the American Civil war and the successes of the Prussian army in wars against Denmark and Russia. Soldiers were also regarded as lower sectors of society so the number of soldiers wanting to join the army was minimal. Army officers also believed that the only language they understood was severe discipline. Furthermore, Army officers were commissioned by the Monarch and had to pay for their own commissions. This meant the only way to become ...

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