To what extent did Nazi support increase during the years 1923-33?

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To what extent did Nazi support increase between 1923-1933?

By 1933 the Nazi party had millions of party members and had grown from a small irrelevant party in 1923 to the largest party of the political spectrum. The growth in support for the Nazi party had been extremely impressive over these years due to many different factors. Considering the circumstances of Germany in the given time period, they done extremely well to coup as much support as they did.

Firstly, the majority of the Nazi support during 1923 was from the right side of the political spectrum, the more fascist side. The other contributing support came from the working class; this could relate to the authoritarianism and socialist nature of the extremist right. The working class would want a strong leader who wants the country to join together to become powerful, linking to the Nazi view of Hitler and ‘Volksgemeinschaft’. One event that caused the working class to favour the Nazi’s and therefore increase Nazi support was the ‘hyper-inflation crisis’ that Germany had from its democratic Weimar government. Linking again to the fact that they wanted strong leadership compared to the weak Weimar government. Hyper-inflation also lead to the lower-middle class vote increasing for the Nazi’s as they lost everything they had, they was put in to the working class after the crisis. The membership of the Nazi party was at 55,000 people before the Munich putsch, this dramatically fell after the putsch failed and conclusively the Nazi party was banned. Even though the Nazi party’s support grew massively at a fast rate, it also dropped a considerable amount after the Munich Putsch. This is shown in the national vote in 1924; the Nazi’s claimed 7% of the vote compared to the massive 10% they had in their first election. This now put the Nazi party on level with other parties like the DDP and the DVP. This was a huge loss and was put down to their failure of the Munich Putsch.

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Similarly, Nazi support also struggled between the so called golden years of Germany in 1924-1928. This was understandable as Germany had turned a corner and sorted out their economy difficulties, this meant that German public started to trust the Weimar government a lot more and began to restore their faith in them. Despite this in 1928 the Nazi party membership almost doubled to 100,000 people, still mainly the middle and working class. However, in the 1928 vote they only managed to gain 2% of the national vote, which were probably votes from their traditional membership base with far right ...

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