To what extent had Napoleon betrayed the French Revolution in his domestic policy by 1804

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To what extent had Napoleon betrayed the French Revolution in his domestic policy by 1804?

The main objectives of the French revolution were to abolish Feudalism, to ensure the people of France have freedom of religion, and to uphold the Rights of Man. Napoleon did achieve most of these objectives to a certain degree, for instance he introduced the Prefect system to keep royalist revolts to a minimum, and he did make sure that the monarchy was not restored in France. He introduced lyceé’s, which kept in with the main ideas of the revolution which was to give the people a better chance in life, and this gave many a young Frenchmen a greater hope in pursuing a rewarding career. He also created many career opportunities, providing they were talented, which yet again gave the people of France a better outlook on life. However, there were certain reasons why Napoleon could be seen as a betrayer of the Revolution. He seized power for himself, which contradicted the Revolution’s aims, as the people wanted to be rid of aristocratic figures, especially after the Terror which had Robespierre as a frontman for chaos and misery. He also reintroduced an order of precedence within France, which created nobility and mimicked a return to the period of the Ancien Regime. This was not looking after the peasantry, which is what many of the revolutionaries wanted.

        Napoleon had come from an aristocratic background, albeit not from a hugely wealthy family, however he was part of the Corsican Nobility. This may give some indication as to why he chose to make many decisions which in fact benefited the upper class in France when he came into power. He set up another nobility in 1802, which he named the “Legion of Honour”. This was just another way of him securing power by keeping those with money in favour of Napoleon’s rule. He managed to do this by gifting them with money and titles, which not only was an irresponsible use of the Country’s money, but it was just widening the gaps in French society even more at that time. This really is a great betrayal of the core of the revolution, as a main point was to abolish Feudalism. However, giving certain people land and reintroducing slavery was a complete contradiction of this. Considering he did support education in a very efficient way and he did make sure Louis the 18th did not return, there were some decisions which Napoleon made which supported the revolution. However, it could be seen as him only making these decisions to secure his position in power, by winning over the hearts of the people. This view would also be supported by the bribery which he used to create a circle of loyal supporters.

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        Another way which Napoleon betrayed the French revolution was by oppressing the people using means of force, such as having a secret and general Police force, and a system of prefects. Using these, he restricted and monitored his people, keeping a close eye on those who may be seen to be a Royalist. He reintroduced branding as a punishment, which was a primitive and brutal way of gaining control over people. More measures similar to these were introduced, which included arbitrary imprisonment without trial. This oppression was increased through Napoleon appointing judges himself, instead of letting the people elect them ...

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