To what extent was Hitler's 'charismatic authority' the basis of Nazi control in the period from 1933 to 1939?

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To what extent was Hitler's 'charismatic authority' the basis of Nazi control in the period from 1933 to 1939?

Despite the general and traditional intentionalist or 'Hitlocentric' view of those such as Fest, that 'no one evoked so much rejoicing, hysteria, and expectation of salvation as he'1 or that 'Nazism was Hitlerism, pure and simple.'2 Adolf Hitler was indeed 'charismatic' as a leader but no distinctly authoritive. It is not plausible to maintain that 'to a virtually unprecedented degree, he created everything out of himself and was himself everything at once: (nor) his own teacher, organizer of a party and author of its ideology, tactician and demagogic saviour, leader, statesman and for a decaded the entire 'axis' of Germany.'3 Indeed, there were both numerous and significant factors equating to the success of Nazi control 1933-1939, 'he seemed to embody the very type of the 'agent,' one who acts for others.'4 Hitler's 'charismatic authority' and the establishment of the Fuhrer image functioned, 'in mobilizing the boundless energy and misplaced idealism of the fanatics and activists through orientation towards long-term 'cosmic' and 'utopian' goals.'5

Thus, 'Hitler's increasing aloofness from the State bureaucracy and the major organs of government marks, it seems, are more than a difference of style with Stalin's modus operandi.'6 Nazi Germany, however, politically was not only a personal dictatorship, it was also a one-party state, therefore claiming supreme political authority. Noakes suggests that 'The Party aimed to overcome the various divisions hitherto setting German against German - through class, status, religion, regional loyalties by creating a national community (Volksgemeinschaft).'7 The extensive and continual use of propaganda and terror was further a significant premise for Nazi control in the period 1933 to 1939. Nazi success and efficiency in stabilising the faltering German economy and producing sustained recovery after 1933 aided in exercising political control through unification and the establishment of a disciplined community.
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Adolf Hitler's 'charismatic authority' perceived as omnipotent and therefore overwelming, is limited in its significance of Nazi control in the period 1933 to 1939. However 'there was the sheer impossibility of one man keeping abreast of, let alone controlling, everything that was going.'8 Hitler is indeed 'charasmatic' but not as authoritive to the extent that Noakes states. Perhaps the most difficult obstacle to determine is whether authority and information flowed to and from the Fuhrer. 'In a personal dictatorship such as Hitler's the key to the acquisition and maintenance of power was the ability to persuade people that ...

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