Use sources A, B and C and your own knowledge. How far was the outbreak of the war of American Independence due to the lack of willingness of the American colonies to compromise in the years 1770 to 1775?

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Use sources A, B and C and your own knowledge.

How far was the outbreak of the war of American Independence due to the lack of willingness of the American colonies to compromise in the years 1770 to 1775?

(24 marks)

The outbreak of the War of American independence was partly due to the lack of willingness of the American colonists to compromise in the years of 1770 to 1775 but there were also a variety of other reasons. Some reasons include that Britain was too harsh to the colonies, the colonies were unreliable and untrustworthy and causes such as the first continental congress in 1774 and the Boston massacre also helped build up to the War of American independence.

Firstly, it could be argued that the colonies lack of willingness to compromise in the years of 1770 to 1775 was the cause of the outbreak of the War of American independence. The American colonists were not open to any of Britain’s policies and they spent a majority of the 1770’s resisting against Britain’s solutions to the problems in Britain and America. Because of this, by 1770 relations between British authorities and the leaders of the colonial legislatures had broken down. Moreover, events such as the Gaspee incident worsened relations between the American colonies and the British and it showed that the Colonists had no respect for the British policies and were not willing to compromise with the British’ ideas to improve relations. In addition, source A suggests that due to the American colonies not abiding to the British policies throughout the 1760’s the British felt that they couldn’t trust the colonies to obey various regulations and restrictions that were needed for the colonists to have more freedom. This suggests that the colonists were clearly not willing to compromise and this caused the British to be stricter, therefore making the colonists want more power and freedom.

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Moreover, it could also be argued that it was due to the British being to harsh and that if the British were more understanding and less greedy then it would have been less likely for the colonists to rebel and demand independence. Source A argues that Britain should have made concessions to the American colonists rather than using force against them, because as soon as they started using force the colonists felt like they were being treated wrongly and wanted more freedom as a country. Moreover, source A also suggests that if the British were more willing to compromise ...

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The spelling, grammar and punctuation of this essay is excellent, which is good as it means the examiner can spend time marking the argument they have created rather than trying to work out what they mean. However, the student should take care when saying ''1760's'' or ''1770's'' as you don't need an apostrophe because you are saying something belongs to someone or missing out a letter, and a repeated mistake like this makes the essay look untidy.

The student does a lot of explaining why events happened or why they were significant, for example by using phrases such as 'This suggests...' This is better than only describing what happened during the war, because explaining it shows you have understanding and you aren't just writing down lists of memorised information. The evidence used in the essay is good: for example, in saying ''All the colonies except Georgia'', the bit ''except Georgia'' shows that they have a precise knowledge of what happened, and they are proving it by giving short but relevant detail. The conclusion of the essay could improve by adding the most important reason why they believe Britain was too harsh on the colonies, as this would show they can assess the arguments they have written to find the most relevant strengths.

This student answers the question very well by doing two things. Firstly, they use all three of the sources mentioned in the question, which is good because it shows they understand what other people have written and believed about the topic. They could improve by taking one or two important words from each source and quoting them in their essay: this would show they can select the most relevant parts of the source to analyse. The other way that the student answers the question is by discussing several different reasons for the outbreak of the War of Independence: this shows that they appreciate there is more than one opinion on what caused it. It's good that they have summarised these in their introduction, as it shows they can organise their knowledge.