Using these four passages and your own knowledge, assess the view that Napoleons Empire in Europe after 1804 offered little benefit to its subjects.

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Using these four passages and your own knowledge, assess the view that Napoleon’s Empire in Europe after 1804 offered little benefit to its subjects.

Views regarding if Napoleon offered virtuous benefits to the subjects of his Empire are fraught with different view points. Interpretations B and C both agree with the viewpoint that Napoleon offered very little benefit to his subjects, “The ideals of legal equality… social designs”, interpretation. Conversely, interpretations A and D support the opposite idea that being part of the Napoleonic Empire was actually very beneficial to the subjects, “liberated from seigniorial rights”; “Even the downsides such as… for a centralized state”. Taking all interpretations into consideration and actual knowledge of the Napoleonic Empire, it is easy to see that while Napoleon ruled with an iron fist, he did indeed offer several benefits to subjects of his Empire directly or indirectly which both can be seen in Poland by the use of Napoleon in their national hymn of living up to ‘us and Napoleon’ interpretation D.

Both interpretations, A and D, show clear disagreement with the view that Napoleon was of little benefit to European subjects after 1804. Firstly interpretation A shows this with “Napoleon saw the Civil Code… the Civil Code everywhere.” This contradicts interpretation B’s view of Napoleon as a “warrior overlord”, because he strengthens satellite states with his Civil Code by removing the remnants of feudalism, which would increase their political power inside the Napoleonic Empire. Interpretation D also shows disagreement by saying “the French presence tended to flush out the old regime.” Several nations within Europe, such as Poland and Austria, still operated on a bastardized feudalism, which was proving to be ineffectual compared to newer set of political and military customs being used in other European countries. Napoleon’s Civil Code helped to eradicate feudalism within the satellite states. Although, interpretation B argues that even with this, feudalism still existed in a different of form of “nobles’ privileges, seigneurial dues, serfdom and even labour services.” The nature of the political reforms regarding the structure of the government would not be truly appreciated until the emergence of the next government, who were able to fully utilise the setup Napoleon had created in their nation. Interpretation A also shows benefits economically, “Unification was also economic. The Empire represented a market of 80 million.” Trading between countries was becoming almost essential to the economies of nations in Europe, being part of the Empire would help greatly to ensure trade between not only the subject and France, but also other subjects in the Empire, leading to more economic development, and benefit for subjects.

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 However, Napoleon also ensured all subjects were part of the Continental blockade against Britain. British trade was extremely important, due to Britain’s overwhelming influence in the east and outside of Europe. While not a subject, Russia withdrew from the continental blockade in 1812, causing a war between Russia and France. Showing how important British trade is and how constricting the France market is. However, France still having a heavy influence within Europe would prove to be more beneficial than trading with the British.

Even the negatives of being in the Napleonic Empire such as conscription, did ...

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This is a very strong response with good interpretation of the complexities in the sources and a sense of balance. The subtle differences in argument are well understood and knowledge is used to evaluate evidence. There could have been a little more consideration of provenance. 5 out of 5 stars.