Was appeasement justified?

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Was Appeasement Justified?

Firstly what was Appeasement? This was the name given to the policy of trying to avoid war by making allowances and sacrifices. It is particularly connected and identified with the British policy towards Hitler in the 1930s to attempt and avoid the Second World War. As we now know this didn't work although it did appear to give Britain, who were clearly far from ready for another war, more time to prepare.

So what happened? Well it all began in 1935 when Britain signed the naval agreement with Germany. Britain followed a policy, later known as Appeasement, of giving Hitler what he wanted this was for the following three years after the naval agreement was signed in 1935. There were many British people, including politicians, who were in favour of and agreed with the policy. Although the person most associated with the policy was Neville Chamberlain, he didn't actually become Prime Minister until 1937, two years after the naval agreement was signed.

But what was wrong with Appeasement? Though there were obvious risks to the policy, Britain's leaders felt they had no option but to Appease Hitler. Some of the risks were mentioned at the time whereas others became more obvious and clear looking back. Such as: -
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* It encouraged Hitler to be more aggressive, as the more he got away with the bigger the risk was in which he took the next and so on and so for.

* It put too much trust into Hitler's promises even though he often went back on them. This meant Appeasement was based on the mistaken idea that Hitler was a trustworthy person.

* It allowed Germany to grow too strong, as it was not only recovering but also growing more powerful than Britain or France.

* It scared the USSR, ...

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