Was control or Propaganda more important to consolidating Mussolini's Reign

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Was control or Propaganda more important to consolidating Mussolini's Reign?

To discover if either control or propaganda were more or equally important, there are many different areas to look at. Both control and propaganda were used in these areas, but with different effects and policies, while one may have been more necessary than the other. Each area is different and the different mediums that exist within them, such as radio or newspapers, were dealt with individually. Mussolini also had to strike a balance between the two, so his reputation amongst the people was kept intact.

Politically, Mussolini made sure he established full control over Parliament and eventually, the country. He was not in favour of continuing the coalition governments which had dominated Italy for many years. He saw them to be weak and wanted to be the ruler of a one party state. From 1922 to 1929, he gradually destroyed all possible alternates to the Fascist regime.

From, 1922 to 1923, Mussolini steadily built up his own power in the government. He placed loyal Fascists in key government positions, created the Voluntary Fascist Militia for National Security, and promoted the Grand Council of Fascism, the highest authority of the Fascist Party, into an organ of state.

In July 1923, Mussolini was able to secure a new electoral law from the parliament. The new law provided that any party, having 25% of the votes in a general election, should receive two-thirds of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies. Mussolini immediately arranged for elections to the Chamber of Deputies in April 1924. In an atmosphere of intimidation and violence, with the Fascist Militia using strong-arm methods, the National List presented by the Fascists obtained 63% of the vote. In June 1924 when the new Parliament gathered, the Socialist leader, Giacomo Matteotti, denounced the Fascists of the use of force in the recent elections. He was immediately murdered by Fascist assassins.

Matteotti's murder created uproar in Italy. The public turned against Mussolini and the parties in opposition of the Fascists withdrew from Parliament, which was known as the Aventine Secession. However the Aventine Secession only proved to strengthen Mussolini's determination to eliminate other opposition parties.
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In 1926, a law on association outlawed all political opposition, and a secret police force was established to arrest political opponents. In 1925-26, more than ten thousand anti-fascists were arrested, sentenced to death and exiled. To strengthen his control of the country, the workers' unions were dissolved and opposition newspapers were closed. In 1928, a new law abolished universal suffrage and restricted parliamentary elections to candidates officially nominated by the Fascist Grand Council. In the 1929 elections, an al1-Pascist Parliament was elected. In the same year, Mussolini, was given power by the pro-Fascist parliament to govern by decrees. ...

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