Was Gladstones reactions to the Irish Land War successful?

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Was Gladstone’s reactions to the Land War successful?

        The way Gladstone dealt with the Land War in Ireland was generally not successful as he had to dealt with the crisis through having a right balance between coercion and conciliation with Parnell, but in both aspects Gladstone failed, such as in the Kilmainham Treaty. However, Gladstone did have few successes despite the difficult situation such as his Land Act.

        The main reason why Gladstone’s reaction to the Land War was generally unsuccessful was because of the Coercion Acts. The notion of coercion was suggested by Forster, the chief Secretary for Ireland, rather than Gladstone who in fact, was reluctant and even Chamberlain threatened to resign about the issue. Although, there was a 1881 Protection of Person and Property Act, which was a suspension of Habeas Corpus,  this allowed for the Home Rule MPs to demonstrate their strength and exploit the weaknesses of the system in parliament due to their excessive filibustering that lasted a tedious 41 hours. Additionally, even though Parnell and his followers were held in Kilmainham goal and the Land League was proscribed, this endowed Parnell with a martyr’s crown and simultaneously absorbing him from responsibility for the decline of the land league. Nonetheless, the second Coercion Act, the Prevention of Crimes Act sparked from the Phoenix Park Murders where a special tribunal of 3 judges try cases without injury was more successful as the figures from the previous violence of around 2500 outrages in 1880 were smaller as the new focus turned towards Home Rule after this. Overall this shows the main reason as to why Gladstone’s reaction to the Land War was unsuccessful as he initially was reluctant to accept coercion, but also heightened the status of Parnell and the Home Rule Party also.

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        To balance coercion, Gladstone opted for conciliation with Parnell in the Kilmainham Treaty. Gladstone decided (without reference to Forster) to send Chamberlain to Kilmainham gaol to compromise with Parnell that the government would settle the current arrears of all tenants on the conditions that Parnell would denounce the violence of the Land League and the rest of Ireland. It is clear that this Treaty wasn’t enough as the same issue had to be followed up by the 1883 Arrears Act. Gladstone’s way of dealing without the consent of Forster led to his resignation – Forster was convinced that doing ...

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