What Did Charlemagne Do While In Power As King?

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What Did Charlemagne Do While In Power As King?

Throughout history, there have been many good and bad rulers, from the bravery
of Alexander the Great, to the madness of Nero. None, however, helped
shape European feudalism like Charlemagne, King of the Franks, First of the Holy
Roman Emperors. His advancements in government were not his only advancements though. He created an educational system for his people. While far behind the public and private educational systems of today, in the 8th and 9th century, it was a start. He also helped spread Christianity throughout Europe.

Charlemagne was born on April 2, 748, possibly in Herstal in Belgium or Aachen in Germany. His father, Pepin the Short, was the palace mayor, or principal official, of Childeric III, king of the Franks, although he in fact held real power rather than the king, who was largely ineffectual.

In 751, having received the pope’s permission to become king, Pepin removed Childeric and had himself anointed king with holy oil. This ceremony was repeated by Pope Stephen II in 754 when Charlemagne and his younger brother, Carloman, were also anointed as kings, although they did not take the royal title itself at that time.

In the course of the 760s, Charlemagne began to take a role in the Frankish government, including being involved in a campaign against rebels in the province of Aquitaine, in south-western Gaul, and just before his death in 768 Pepin arranged to leave his kingdom jointly divided between him and his brother.

In 768, on their father’s death, Charlemagne and Carloman succeeded as joint kings of the Franks, controlling between them a realm which embraced modern France and a large part of modern Germany. On Carloman's death in 771, Charlemagne became sole ruler of the Franks.

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Charlemagne's reign was marked by almost annual military activity, beginning with the completion of Pepin's campaigns to restore Aquitaine to Frankish rule during 760-768AD, continuing with the conquest of Lombardy, in northern Italy, in response to an appeal by Pope Adrian I to protect papal lands from attack by the Lombard’s, and Charlemagne's subsequent installation as king of the Lombard’s in 773-774AD, and a protracted and difficult series of campaigns against the Saxons to the east of the River Rhine, which began in 775 but was only brought to a conclusion in 804 with the definitive conquest and Christianisation ...

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