What in your view was the short term significance of the Decembrist Revolt?

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What in your view was the short term significance of the Decembrist Revolt?

Aside from the Pugachev rebellion, the Decembrist revolt of 1825 can be seen as the first organised challenge to autocracy and Tsarism, what was the significance of this event?

The Decembrist revolt can clearly be seen to be significant in the guise of social and economic improvements, as the revolt served to make Nicholas aware of the need to satisfy his people in the wake of the revolt, so he set up the committee of investigation to modernise the socio-economic systems of Russia. This committee gave birth to the reform of the serfdom under the fifth section. This change can be seen as significant as it increased efficiency of production, improving the Russia’s economy and the quality of life of the peasantry. Other economic change signalled by the arrival of the Decembrist revolt can be seen to be Kakarin’s economic modernisation which protected Russian industry from competition. Nicholas himself highlighted the need for the aforementioned reform at the state council saying that,“current ideas are not the same as those that existed previously, and it is clear to every observer that the present situation cannot last forever”.This account can be seen as significant as it was from Tsar Nicholas himself. He emphasises the need for progression in a changing world, however there is an element of regret in the rhetoric “the present situation cannot last forever”. How far can the Decembrist revolt be seen in influencing this desire for change? I believe that the potential psychological threat of social instability brought by the revolt played a large part in this apparent desire for change. However, one must bear in mind that this was a speech made to the higher echelons of Russian society where he aimed to bolster his own support for autocracy by showing himself as a progressive, lessening the significance of the revolt on socio-economic improvements. Nevertheless, I would also say that it is too early to give support the stereotypical view of Nicholas as a repressor and reactionary this early in his reign as his becoming of tsar coincided with the revolt, and I think he had some desire to improve Russia, and this sentiment was more important than providing a concession to the revolt.

One cannot disregard the role of repression as a significant impact of the Decembrist revolt, this heavy handed approach aimed to prevent such a revolt happening again. The most obvious impact of the rebellion on repression can seen to be the creation of the third section with the Corps of Gendarmes seeking to prevent any organised opposition to the autocracy. Further evidence of repression can be seen in the third section’s treatment of “The Petrashevsky Circle” in 1849, who were arrested and accused of revolutionary conspiracy. It is arguable that, without the Decembrist revolt of 1825, the authorities would not have been as interested in the activities of this group, thus indicating that the impact of the revolt can be seen to be significant over 25 years after the revolt. Nicholas, a reactionary military advocate, was perhaps bound to follow some policy of repression after the rebellion of the Decembrists, this view is shared by Queen Victoria,“in his most despotic acts, there is a sense that it is the only way for him to govern”.Queen Victoria can perhaps be seen as one of the most important people in the world at the time, and offers a startling opinion of Nicholas’ reign, citing repression as“the only way for him to govern”.It is certainly worth mentioning that her account is arguably biased as she had her own self interests with regard to the British Empire, who were uneasy of Russia. She was also not a sympathiser with Slavophil ideals and expected Russia to expand in the way Britain had done. Is repression the only way Nicholas could govern? The popular image of Nicholas as a repressor, epitomised by the attitudes of Queen Victoria certainly have a strong basis, and although he introduced some reform Nicholas was far more willing to repress, and the fact that the Decembrists brought this change in governance, is testament to their significance in the field of influencing repression.

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A direct significance of the Decembrist revolt of 1825 can be seen to be the effect it had upon the government’s means of influencing people’s thought, through censorship and the ‘official nationalities’ doctrine. Much like repression, in the shorter term, censorship was rooted in actions of the imperial chancery’s Third section, and the Ministry of Education. Books, specifically of western origin, and journalism were censored to prevent the spread of liberal ideas, yet with regard to the relative influence of the Decembrist revolt upon this, one must bear in mind that despite the fact that censorship generated a great deal ...

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