What Roles did Policing and Censorship play in Napoleon's Rule of France?

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Alec Cropper

What Roles did Policing and Censorship play in Napoleon’s Rule of France?

Both policing and censorship of items in France (such as that of the press) played very important roles in how Napoleon was able to rule, as well as control France during the period of his emperorship, as they both allowed him to monitor and crush opposition to his rule, as well as enforce his wishes upon France and her people.

Under the leadership of Fouche (minister of police), Napoleon was able to rule France and control her people directly. Under Napoleons’ system of police, every town of over 5,000 inhabitants was to receive a commissaire de police, which was a commissioner, who was appointed directly by the Ministry of General Police in Paris. Furthermore, he was immediately responsible to the prefect of his department, himself a civilian official who was appointed by the Minister of the Interior and who was in charge of the general running of local government. This meant that policing was enforced and controlled decisively in the form of national police force acting in a hierarchical system. However, alone among local government officials, the commissaire de police had the right to by-pass the prefect and correspond directly with the Ministry of General Police. Thanks to his 'direct line' to powerful figures like Fouche and Savary (who answered directly to Napoleon), local officials (for example a commissaire) was often able to outflank not only the prefects and mayors of his department, but even the judiciary, when it came to identifying common criminals, political subversives or wayward, allegedly corrupt local officials. Furthermore, Fouche incorporated the use of spies, informers, and double agents to enforce law in France.

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In order to make sure Napoleon and his followers maintained rule and control in France and over her people, policing was also used to monitor revolutionary activity. Due to the fact that the legitimacy of Napoleon’s rule of France could be questioned, as well as the fact that there was limited reference of revolution (as revolutionary activity and displays had been widespread throughout the period of the French Revolution, particularly from 1790 – 1799), a secret police force incorporating the use of spies and agents was required in order preserve the rule of Napoleon, and make sure he was ...

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