When France fell to Germany in June 1940, Hitler’s aims were turned on Britain. Hitler thought that if he destroyed the RAF, Britain would no longer have defence against an invasion. This invasion was to be Operation Sealion. It was planned to take place after the air force had been destroyed.
Attacks were made on boats, ports, airfields and radar stations. In August an intense battle in the skies over Britain was fought. The RAF lost many planes and pilots but the Luftwaffe suffered even greater losses. Eventually Hitler realised he could not destroy the RAF meaning Operation Sealion would not work. Hitler’s new plan for Britain was the Blitz. Because the Battle of Britain had failed, Hitler thought that by bombing the British into submission he would then be able to invade them.
Another reason for Hitler starting the Blitz was to disrupt British economy and industry. From November 1940, the Luftwaffe began to concentrate on other British cities. This was an attempt to focus more on damaging British industry. Coventry was hit the worst with over 20 important factories destroyed.
Many other industrial cities were hit including Birmingham. As well as factories, railway lines, ports and docks were targeted in hope that without transport the British war effort would fail.
By bombing the British cities, Hitler hoped that this would lower the morale of the British people and make them want their Government to surrender. From an official report in Coventry:
‘There were more open signs of hysteria and terror then observed in the previous 2 months. There were several signs of suppressed panic as darkness approached.’
This is just one example of what was happening to the British people. Hitler’s hopes were that they would be in such a state of panic and depression that they would want to surrender to the German regime.
Revenge was the final reason for the Blitz.
“Hitler regarded the bombing of Berlin (25th august 1940) as a disgrace.”
Hitler thought that by bombing British cities he would be extracting revenge for the bombing of Berlin in August of that year. This was Hitler’s chance to get even.
These reasons were all part of Hitler’s war aims to take over Britain. His main reason for the Blitz was the failure of the Battle of Britain. Had this not failed then Operation Sealion would have been successful and the Blitz would never have happened.
510 words Anna Townsend