Why did Stalin support keeping the NEP in 1925 but then abandoned it in 1928~9?

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Why did Stalin support keeping the NEP in 1925 but then abandoned it in 1928~9? Stalin's decision that abandoned the NEP and supported industrialization was very significant in shaping the Communist Russia in time to come. Although the NEP was generally considered a success, clearly there were limitations; the NEP was only a means of recovery, to help Russia get up on its feet after the devastating effects of the Civil war. Stalin, at first, supported the NEP, but then in December 1927, he made The Great Turn, abandoning the NEP. Although some may say that he did this because he came to realize the limitations of the NEP, but it is also credible that he did this simply to gain power. This view is supported by a claim made by Bukharin: Stalin ‘changes his theories according to whom he needs to get rid of next.’Stalin hated Trotsky. During the Civil war, Trotsky had removed him from his military post when Stalin disobeyed Trotsky's orders. Stalin was venomously jealous of him; Trotsky was a brilliant orator
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and the hero of the October Revolution and the Civil war, whereas he was a not-so-talented speaker, who had done nothing significant during the October Revolution – he was a ‘grey blur’, as Sukhanov put it. Therefore it was obvious that Stalin would oppose whatever Trotsky proposed. As Trotsky wanted to abandon the NEP, Stalin supported the NEP, and when Trotsky was removed from power, Stalin had no more incentive to defend the NEP.Stalin understood that opposing Lenin was an unwise stance to take if one wanted to gain support. Lenin was the father of the Russian Revolution, and to ...

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