Why did the Cold War start

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Dhayalinie Thanapalasingham


Why did the Cold War start?

        After the Second World War, a hostile atmosphere developed between the USA and the USSR, which grew into an intense rivalry called the Cold War. The cause of the Cold War has been attributed by some historians, to the invention of nuclear weapons as it led to distrust and fear between the two nations. The Atomic Bomb had been displayed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending the war and simultaneously alerting the USSR to the power that America now held, as “The Soviets were clearly aware that the weapon existed and rational enough not to tempt the Americans to use them against the Soviet Union.” However, although the invention of nuclear weapon played a significant part in creating the tension that led to the Cold War, other factors have to be taken into consideration. A key element that has to be taken into consideration is the differing ideological stances of both the USA and the USSR. After the Second World War, America believed that the ideas of fascism were to be replaced with capitalism and democracy, while the USSR believed that it should be replaced with Communism. It has been argued that ‘the Cold War is generally regarded as a conflict between the East and West or between communism and capitalism.’  The differences in ideological thinking led to the aggressive American policy of Containment and the introduction of the Marshall Aid, which increased the hostility between the two countries. The Cold War was also fuelled by the inability of the two Leaders, Stalin, and Truman to communicate with each other.

        There have always two strands of ideological thought as the reason for the beginning of the Cold War. The first and original idea was that the Cold War was a result of the Soviet Union’s expansionist ideas. After the end of the Second World War, the Soviet Union wanted to build a line of buffer states to protect its borders as the Soviet Union was extremely concerned about its security after having been invaded twice in the twentieth century. By 1948, Russia controlled Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia. Churchill was first to refer to this as an Iron Curtain that divided Europe. The Allies were angered that the free elections promised by Stalin at the Yalta Conference were not held, and adopted a new foreign policy of containment to keep communism within the areas where it was already in affect. Matters were made worse by the fact that within the regions of Soviet Control, soviet armed forces made it difficult for non-communist parties to gain political influence as opposition leaders were exiled, executed, or imprisoned. The Western allies argued that these actions were those of dictator who tried to dominate the globe. However, the second and revionist strand of thought was that the cause of the Cold War was the American policies after the end of the war. In Walter Lippmann’s The Cold War, he argues that the Soviet Union might have been willing to accept a negotiated settlement in 1945-6, but that United States policy ignored opportunities to meet them halfway. Thus, it can be argued that the cause if the Cold War could be attributed to fundamental errors within American diplomacy. These fundamental errors came in the form of Truman’s aggressive stance and his activist foreign policy that sought to create American spheres of influence around the world.

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It can be argued that one of the main reasons that the Cold War began was the ideological differences that were in place between the two countries. The USA feared the increased influence that the Soviet Union had over Eastern Europe and they believed that the ideas of Communism were a threat to America’s national security. Although during World War II, the two countries laid aside their political differences, nit was evident from Yalta and Potsdam, that once the war was over “the ideological differences between the USSR and the other allies,.., begun to resurface.” In 1946, the USA became ...

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