Why did the Reds win and the Whites lose the civil war?

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Why did the Reds win and the Whites lose the civil war?

Initial opposition to the Bolsheviks was limited, but they were attacked by opposition forces immediately after the October Revolution.  This opposition grew after the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.  To answer the question therefore I will look at all aspects of the civil war to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of each of the forces.

The White Army was the title given to the groups that opposed the Bolshevik take-over and suggests a unity that they did not have, in truth the only common factor that they shared was a desire to remove the Bolsheviks.  Groups like the national minorities gave limited support and this was not helped by slogans like “Russia One and Indivisible”.

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The Whites fought on one long front with limited co-operation between forces.  They were well supplied with Tsarist officers but found it hard to recruit conscripts, particularly as the peasants thought their land would be taken again if the Whites got into power.  The Whites had support from Russia’s allies in the War.  Britain, France, the USA, and Japan all sent soldiers, arms and money to the Whites.  However the support given was little and made no real impact on the outcome of the war.  This support also dried up after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in ...

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