Why did the U.S lose the Vietnam War?

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Andrew Jefferson                                                                                   Coursework

Candidate no. 9091

Why did the U.S lose the Vietnam War?

The U.S lost the Vietnam War for many reasons. In this short essay I will write about the reasons to the United States ‘failure’ in Vietnam. Although there were many reasons I cannot mention all of them, so I have detailed the most important factors. I will start my essay with a brief history of Vietnam.


In 1939, Vietnam was part of an area known as French Indo-China. Before the years of French power in the Far East, Vietnam was ruled by the Chinese, who were a communist country.

In 1940, the French were defeated by the Germans in the Second World War. Paris was now controlled by Hitler. This made it increasingly difficult for the French to keep control of Indo-china.

A lot of Vietnamese people saw this as an opportunity for independence. The French were not helped by the presence of the Japanese in the area.

The Vietminh was then set up through Ho Chi Minh and Nguyen Vo Giap, in the year of 1941.The Vietminh, also known as ‘The league for the independence of Vietnam’, had one aim: to establish an independent Vietnam, free of foreign domination.  In 1944, the Americans first became involved; the Vietminh were helped by the Organisation of Strategic Service (OSS) an intelligence service who trained and equipped the Vietminh during the war. The Vietminh were Successful against the Japanese and the French. Using guerrilla war (small scale war).


The United States then became more involved with Vietnam in the 1950’s. This was because the U.S did not want to see European domination of Vietnam.

During the fifties President Eisenhower of the U.S.A, was confronted by the French, who asked for backing. The president said no.

The domino theory was an important factor in the U.S.A’s involvement. Eisenhower believed that South Vietnam could fall to communism, just like the Chinese, Koreans and North Vietnam did. He was determined to stop communism spreading to South Vietnam, thus why the U.S.A became so involved with Vietnam. The Americans believed that Diem could change South Vietnam.

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        The Vietcong (South Vietnam resistance) used guerrilla tactics to fight the war. This was because it was easier to defeat the enemy .The Vietcong’s tactics were simple, they used jungle traps, jungle traps were cheap to make, and this helped as the Vietcong could not afford high-tech equipment. The Vietcong wore no uniform as it was harder for the enemy to identify a soldier. The guerrilla war was very useful because the Vietcong could not afford to lose so many men and equipment in a full scale war.


The Vietcong tactics were better because they worked well on ...

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