Why Stalin was able to hold on to power in the Soviet Union: The purges and show trials The secret police Propaganda and the cult of personality

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3. The following were equally important reasons why Stalin was able to hold on to power in the Soviet Union:

        The purges and show trials


        The secret police

        Propaganda and the cult of personality

        Stalin’s economic policies

Explain how far you agree with this statement

There are a number of reasons why I partially agree with this statement, however, I do not believe it would be correct to say that it is totally correct. The fact that Stalin was extremely politically cunning enabled him to combine the above techniques, in order to minimise opposition, and maximise support and production in the soviet state. Stalin’s techniques can be classed into two main methods of winning support: the use of fear, and the use of propaganda and success in order to persuade.

After Stalin achieved power in 1928, he became increasingly paranoid of any opposition. His initial aim was to ensure that his position in power was totally secure, and risk free. In order to achieve this, Stalin used two of the methods mentioned above: the purges and show trials, and the secret police. These two methods were very closely linked and intertwined.

From around 1930 onwards, Stalin gave the Secret Police (NKVD) the right to arrest anyone suspected of opposing, or having the potential to oppose Stalin. However, this did not simply include party members who had previously opposed Stalin, for the police would arrest scientists, doctors, actors, teachers, artist and any ordinary people or workers whom Stalin felt threatened by. Naturally, this was an enormous task, and could not be managed by Stalin alone. Instead, a vast army of informers were released into society, to tip off the NKVD of any opposition. Such was the extent of the spying that went on in the 1930s, and Stalin’s terror of opposition, that children were even encouraged to inform on their own parents, and neighbours would condemn each other, in order to deflect blame from themselves. The situation became extremely similar to that of the Nazi police state, with the Gestapo, in which Hitler used to spy on the public. In addition to this, Stalin even took the extreme measures of executing any members of the NKVD, who were either inefficient at rooting out counter-revolutionaries, or who he suspected of knowing too much about his plans, and posing a potential threat to his position.

A number of show trials were also held under Stalin’s command. These were court cases of predetermined verdict, which were greatly publicised in order to boost support for Stalin. By doing this, Stalin aimed to ward off criticism for having killed millions of Russians as a result of the purges. In 1934 Kirov, a popular leading communist was assassinated. Historians today are quite convinced that Stalin was at least partially responsible for the murder. However, on 13th march, 1936, sixteen old Bolsheviks, including Zinoviev and Kamenev were faced with charges of having been responsible for the death of Kirov, and having plotted against Stalin. Whilst historians today believe that it is extremely unlikely that the two loyal Bolsheviks had anything to do with the assassination of Kirov, all sixteen of the accused were sentenced to be executed on 24 August. This shows how Stalin was able to carefully twist purges and show trials into a form of propaganda, in which he could present himself as a great leader, and make it impossible for people to oppose him.

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In the following years, up to 1938, many more show trials were held. Stalin was extremely quick with dealing with the army, executing over 90 percent (some 25 000) of all Soviet generals in order to make it totally incapable of leading a putsch against Stalin. The Communist party had been purged of anyone likely to face up to Stalin, and all of the old Bolsheviks of the 1917 revolution were gone. History books were rewritten in order to erase any memory of these counter-revolutionaries. By 1939, People’s lives were crippled with fear of the NKVD, as over 20 ...

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