Barriers to Effective Communication Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between two or more people; this is something that we do all the time. It is important that nurses recognise that communication is the key to good holis...

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Barriers to Effective Communication

Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between two or more people; this is something that we do all the time. It is important that nurses recognise that communication is the key to good holistic care, as patients need reassurance and information regarding their care.

Communication is so much more than just talking to one another. It is how people respond to each other in many different ways (Langs 1983).

Some examples of communication are talking, writing, signing, reading and body language, which is suggested, has several elements (Dimbleby and Burton 1992).

Communication can be very effective but first it needs to be established, and then maintained. Nurses can do this during an assessment when a patient/client comes into hospital.

However, it is argued that barriers to communication can prevent appropriate and effective care being given to patients. Communication can either facilitate the development of a therapeutic relationship or create barriers (Stuart and Sundeen 1995).

Because of their diverse nature, communication disorders are difficult to classify (Crystal, 1980).

You can discover problems simply by observing an individual. Observation can be used to establish which language is being used, if the client has any hearing difficulties or visual impairments, physical illness or disability, or if there are learning difficulties. Any of these issues could control how well a person is able to communicate with you.

Therefore, for the purpose of this piece of work, I have chosen to explore two barriers to communication, and illustrate key points.

The first barrier I have chosen is hearing impairment and then I am going to go on and explore speech problems as the two are linked together. Hearing loss can be broken down into many different categories. For example, there are two main types of hearing loss, these are pre lingual deafness and post lingual deafness. These can then be broken down into physical, psychosocial and spiritual aspects. For the purpose of this work, I am going to explore the physical aspects of deafness.

Many people just assume that the main problem with having a hearing impairment is that it is hard to understand speech and the consequent isolation from the rest of the noise-producing world. However, pre lingual deafness is defined as someone who has been completely deaf from birth so therefore gives rise to expressive problems in both speech and language (Syder 1992). A post lingual deaf person is someone who has lost there hearing suddenly or gradually and the loss can be partial or total (Syder 1992).
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One fifth of the countries population suffers some sort of hearing loss (Martin and Grover 1986). This covers a wide range of problems from minor difficulties to complete loss.

Not recognising a hearing problem could result in patients/clients becoming withdrawn, isolated and excluded from people around them.

Chalfont suggests that deafness was the loneliest disability as it isolates them from the rest of the community (Chalfont 1986).

The most frustrating and depressing part about having a hearing problem is the fact that it is invisible. Most other disabilities are easy to recognise.

Yet ...

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