Education through ICT has changed massively over years. For example the National Curriculum requires that children can use computers from an early age and can use all software as they progress into secondary schools and further education.

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Education through ICT has changed massively over years. For example the National Curriculum requires that children can use computers from an early age and can use all software as they progress into secondary schools and further education. Pupils are using ICT in nearly every subject.


There are many social effects on Education for example the use of walkie-talkies in schools. This is device used commonly within educational establishments to help teachers or assistants to stay in contact with each other when monitoring lunch or break times.  

 Anther example is Motion sensors are small devices that can be placed into classrooms, hallways or lecture rooms. These are designed to detect any movement and if desired they can feed into a central system from which they could alert an alarm if it was set to do so.

Phones have a place just about everywhere in the world, and definitely do in education. Phones are used to contact absentees, members of staff during the day or after hours, phone parents or phone in late. Lastly e-mail is the final example. Everyone has a computer nowadays and almost everyone has an email account. This is a method of increasing popularity, which many people in the educational areas try to utilize. This can be used for sending messages to one another or handing in late homework


A new technology that has made a huge impact in the world of education is smart-boards. These interactive boards generally situated at the front of the classroom, teacher’s lounge or lecture rooms make impressive tools when it comes to teaching, presentations or interacting with work.

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 In every establishment everyone has access to a computer, in school, in a library or at home. These are a fundamental part in any form of office, educational establishment or business. Relating specifically to education they are used by teachers, office staff, students and parents for a variety of reasons. Printers have been around for a while and are a very common way of obtaining work that you have done on a computer; in fact they are the only way to put text on the screen onto paper. Once you have printed a document a Fax machine is a way ...

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