especially if it has a DVD player with a screen and if it brakes or it gets stolen it is very expensive to get fixed or even it costs more than buying a new one. If the car system is switched on when the car is not on the battery of the
car starts to get low and if it is too low the car will not switch on. If the car engine is on so the Car System can work the petrol/ diesel of the car is wasted and they it costs a lot.
There is an alternative, he can use his mobile MP3 player if he wants to listen to music or he can use a CD player to listen to music. He can also use an MP3 player. The taxi driver can get radio on his mobile, on his some MP3 players or he can also buy a separate radio. He can buy a portable DVD player too. The taxi driver can read the newspaper or read the magazine to get information from. If the taxi driver is bored he can have a nap.
-2-Socially: mobile
A mobile is a mini rectangular box, which he can get it in any shape, and it has a screen. He can communicate with friends by calling them or texting them but he doesn't normally use text messaging because it takes too much time. A mobile has a set of keys numbered 0 till 9 and some other additional keys. A mobile allows him to phone or text anyone he wants. He can use the calculator, currency converter, calendar, alarm, time, security, tools, text messaging, accessing to web and more. A mobile uses a charger to be charges and it uses a sim card, a sim card has its own unique number and you can get different sim cards from different companies which have different offers on each and you choose which offer you like so you buy the sim. A mobile also has blue tooth and infrared.
A mobile is useful to the taxi driver because if he needs to contact his customer urgently if he is going to be late he can easily do that. If he also needs to phone head office saying what time he is going to be there to pick up another customer. The taxi driver uses a mobile also when he needs to phone his family saying if he is going to be late home or if there is an emergency. A taxi driver also uses a mobile phone to book in passengers into his calendar if he wants to remember when he needs to pick them up. A mobile is also needed for the taxi driver when he has had a crash he can take pictures of his accident so he can pass it on to the insurance company to he can get his claim off them quicker because he has got evidence of the accident. If the taxi driver has had an accident he can take pictures of his accident, this makes the insurance company pay him his claim much quicker.
A mobile does not meet the taxi driver's needs because he cannot socialise with a mobile phone to his friends and family. He can socialise a little bit but it will not replace the person. It also does meet his needs because he does no need to go to a telephone box to phone someone, he can just use his portable mobile in his car. If his passenger gives him foreign money he can go to currency converter on his phone so he can find out how much the passenger has to pay him. His phone also has a calculator so he can easily work out how much change he has to give his customer. The taxi driver's phone has an MP3 player so he can listen to music with his mobile phone. His phone also has games he can play when he has nothing to do. The taxi driver phones his passengers if he is going to be late so the customer is aware of him being late to pick them up. It does meet his needs because if the taxi driver has had an accident he can take pictures of his accident; this makes the insurance company pay him his claim much quicker.
A mobile has changed the way the taxi driver works because the taxi driver can have contact his friends and family while he is at work that will help him communicate with home in case anything serious has happened and he has to be somewhere very quickly or urgently. The taxi driver does not need to go to a telephone box every time he wants to phone his customer saying he is going to be late or any other thing he can just use his portable mobile phone. The mobile phone has changed the way the taxi driver works because he does not need to use a calculator to work out how much change he needs to give, instead he can use the calculator on his mobile which is very easy to work with. The taxi driver can also check his email from the Internet on his mobile when he has nothing to do. The taxi drivers mobile also shows the news or even the weather so that is handy for him if he is free he can just watch or listen to the news and the weather. If the taxi driver has had an accident he can take pictures of his accident, this makes the insurance company pay him his claim much quicker.
The disadvantage of using a mobile phone socially is that a mobile phone does not replace the person itself from talking to them on the phone. Another disadvantage is that if the taxi driver's phone rings him with no doubt will answer the phone and not put it on loud speaker and there is a high risk of him having a crash. A mobile phone can brake very quickly and if he wants it to get repaired it will cost a lot to repair and he rather buy a new one. To phone people with mobile costs a lot and he cannot speak for very long. The USB cord of a mobile can brake and so it would cost a lot for a replacement. It is the same with a charger if I loose it or break it I will have to buy another one, which costs a lot too. The screen of the mobile can crack and that unable them stuff on the screen to show. A mobile can turn on by it self if a button on the mobile gets pressed down by accident and it would turn on and so if he is in an important place where he is not allowed to turn on a mobile he would be in big trouble.
The alternative for a mobile is that the taxi driver can go to the phone box to phone anyone. He can also check his email from telephone box. Or he can also check his email from the Internet café when he has nothing to do. If he wants to listen to music from his mobile if he is bored he can use his car system to listen to music. The taxi driver can just use a normal calculator and if he a customer is paying him another currency for their bill they cannot accept it because they do not have any other currency converter to see how much they are paying. But they can ring their head office with the walkie-talkie fixed into the car and they can ask them but that would take a long time to do so. If the taxi driver has had an accident he can use a digital camera to take photos of his accident. If the taxi driver needs to ring head office and tell them that he will be late to pick up a customer and so they can call them and say he will be late, the taxi driver can use his fixed in car walkie-talkie to phone head office and then head office to phone the customer with an ordinary phone. If the taxi driver uses his mobile to listen to the news or the weather he can use his car system radio or he can just read the newspaper to find out the news and the weather. The taxi driver can also use a portable radio, which runs on batteries.
-3-Work-related: Sat-Nav
A Sat- Nav works with the internet, and also with the satellites in the Sat-Nav is a navigator which allows the taxi driver find its way around and the driver types in the location he wants to go and then the method to the location is
shown. When his costumer wants to go to a certain location and the driver does not know it helps him find out. Navigators also help the Driver miss traffic or get the shortest route to the location or the longest route. A navigator also helps the driver find out what time he is going to get to the place his customer wants to go.
A Sat- Nav has an ETA app which allows the taxi driver know how long it takes him to get to a certain destination. It also allows him to tell his customer how long he would be to get to the place they want to be picked up.
The Sat-Nav is a very useful technology for Mr Tom as it allows him to find his route to a destination. It also allows him to choose a route, which could allow him to direct his way away from traffic, camera’s or congestion charge Zones. The Sat-Nav can also allow Tom to find the longest route to a destination, which could mean that he would be getting more money, as he will be charging the customer an extra amount of money. The Sat-Nav can also pinpoint Mr Tom can also calculate the ETA (Estimated time Of Arrival). Mr Smith may have to go through a Dirt Road which could mean that he could get suck though if he uses the Sat-Nav he could direct his way round a dirt track. Over all the Sat-Nav is very useful to Mr Tom. It also shows the taxi driver to view the ETA so he can tell
A Sat-Nav meets Mr Tom’s needs because it helps Mr Tom take his passenger from one destination to another without Mr Tom getting lost. It also helps Mr Tom not go routes, which have traffic. A sat Nav also meet the taxi drivers needs because whenever a speed camera is near the Sat Nav starts beeping and so the taxi driver knows that he must go slow so he does not get a fine. A sat Nav also meets his needs because he can register his house address on it and also any place he normally goes so if he has dropped off a passenger and wants to go to his home or his head office he can easily and quickly click on the address he has registered and which he wants to go and It will automatically show where he needs to go. This helps him a lot because he can sometimes get lost when he is coming back from his passengers destination area. A Sat-Nav does not meet his needs if any new routes have been made and that could make him take longer to the place the passenger wants to go. If any routes have been blocked because of road works the Sat-Nav normally does not realise the road is blocked and so that could make the taxi driver takes longer to the destination he wants to go.
By using the Sat-Nav it has changed the adult and the way he works because his journeys can take him a lot less time rather than stopping to ask people for directions or by taking routes which could mean that he would be going through main roads which could mean that he would get stuck in traffic. As Mr Tom uses the Sat-Nav, the customer will be a lot prouder of the company Mr Tom could take the passenger to the destination a lot quicker and it allows him to tell the passenger the ETA (Estimated Time Of Arrival). The Sat-Nav has also changed the adult works because before, MR Tom may have been travailing through Congestion Charge Zones, or places with Speed Cameras etc. though now he can miss these places and not get fined or charged for crossing these areas. The Sat-Nav also tells the taxi Driver the
The disadvantages of a Sat-Nav is that if the taxi driver pushes the charger of it abit harder than normal the piece inside the slot which the charger goes in will brake because there is a very week metal bit inside the slot which should go into the hole in the charger and that good brake or even get stuck in the charger and that would cost a lot for it being repaired. If any new routes are built the Sat-Nav will not realise that unless the taxi driver uploads it again which would cost a lot and it can make the taxi driver get to the destination in a much longer amount of time. If any road works are in process the Sat-Nav does not recognise them normally so the taxi driver gets stuck in traffic. The Sat-Nav also takes the taxi driver to dangerous routes which supposing are short cuts. Another disadvantage is that the taxi driver is not bothered to take his Sat-Nav out of the car with him every time he wants to do something; example for a cup of coffee and the Sat-Nav is actually inviting the thief to the car to steal it and Sat-Navs are very expensive and the thief can sell it very easily and everyone wants one so it is quick money for the thief. That is really why people steal Sat-Navs. If someone steals the Sat-Nav and the taxi driver has registered his home address on it the thief will find out where he lives and can easily do other trouble to the taxi driver. A Sat-Nav is sometimes very annoying when it talks a lot and the passenger might find that very annoying.
An alternative for a Sat-Nav is that the taxi driver can use a map to find out the location he wants to go. The taxi driver can ask the passenger them self or pedestrians near by. He can also phone the head office if he does not know the location and the head office can tell him the location. The taxi driver can get a special machine, which specifically tells him where the speed cameras are. The taxi driver can guess the ETA but it might not be perfect.