Illegal music downloads. This Essay will treat and analyze main points of advantages and disadvantages of unauthorized media files sharing; Government's aspiration to put down a breach of copyright; the influence of free and unlimited music downloads on

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Nowadays, music has become an integral part in the life of modern man. For many years people have been expressing their feelings using music or the words expressed by the appropriate tune. Music has developed over several decades: many professional artists had appeared in that period, whose records were accessed to everyone in any music store in the forms of LPs, then cassettes, then CDs...
It can be spend hours on discussing the development of the music industry, which has become one of the most profitable business areas. However, during the development of this sphere in the world of business has appeared a set of new, various industries, one of which is the Internet Network. With the advent of the global information network, the music industry began to suffer losses, because the Internet network with high speed began to develop piracy, unauthorized (illegal) media files sharing.

This Essay will treat and analyze main points of advantages and disadvantages of unauthorized media files sharing; Government's aspiration to put down a breach of copyright; the influence of free and unlimited music downloads on various spheres of activities, such as industries of recording, marketing and modern technologies; piracy impact on the job market and musicians’ income; the effect of copyright infringement on the level of economic growth of the country.

Nowadays almost every Internet user has access to various computer programs for music downloads. For that reason, in a short time sharing music files has become a big issue for the music industry. Despite the fact, that downloading music from Internet is illegal, almost every internet user swaps huge amount of songs every day without any worries about the consequences, which may be versatile.

Firstly, piracy downloading of music destroys sales of albums, which has become a huge loss for the music industry. According to the Independent news article “in 1997, 78 million singles were sold in the UK and last year, it was just 8.6 million” (The Independent, 8 July 2009), which shows, that amount of sold music singles has decreased almost by 90% in the last thirteen years.

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However, consumers justify, that music albums are too expensive and buying them in order to listen to only one or two songs is ridiculous. Moreover, consumers downloading media files from the Internet are able to choose from various types of digital music and burn it all onto one CD or save that music on the mp3 player or mobile phone that makes listening to music more comfortable and enjoyable.

Free music downloads also has economic consequences in the job market. Plenty of people, working in the recording industry lose their jobs, because of decreasing number of customers. According to the ...

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