Installing and Upgrading Software

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Ambreen Kauser        ID: 354842        Unit: 23

Plan for Installing and upgrading software

Equipments required:

  • Monitor
  • Desktop
  • CD Drive
  • CD
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Main power
  • Check timing of activities with user
  • Double check cabling, system specification and
  • software requirements, password(s) required

Before installing the software, I will make sure first if i have go the enough memory.


I am going to check if it has the old version of Microsoft word because it may cause problems while installing the new version, and if it does hold the old version then I will need to uninstall it before installing the new version.

Then, I will insert the Microsoft disk into the CD Drive and wait till it loads up but sometimes it may not load up automatically so I will need to run the CD manually. So then I will go to my computer then into CD drive to activate the setup program.

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The applications that I am going to install are

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

Create a folder called MP in the client’s main drive, to do that I will follow the following

  • Go to “My Computer”
  • Click on the main drive “Local Disk”
  • Create a folder called “ MP”

Then I will create subfolders in her main drive called

  • Letters
  • Charts
  • Slide shows

I will save the files in the subfolders of each application, the client save word documents in the folder “Letters”, create charts in Excel and Slide shows in ...

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