Intuitive Learners
Learners such as these prefer to discover different possibilities and relationships. They like improvement and not repetition. Some are better at grasping new concepts and are more comfortable with summary material and different mathematical problems. Some of these learners may be quicker than other learners however they can be careless at times and do not like memorising particular pieces of data.
Visual Learners
Visual learners can better understand data presented in tables, graphs etc. This helps learners to communicate easily with others. This gives a good sense of direction and enables learners to visualise objects, plans, and outcomes in ones mind.
Verbal Learners
These learners achieve more out spoken information. These types of learners find it easy to express themselves both in written and verbal ways. They usually enjoy watching television documentaries and films. Many of these learners will also research sources by reading newspapers etc.
Sequential Learners
This learning style is associated with those who gain understanding in linear steps. Characteristics of a Sequential learner are; understanding individual algebra functions. These learners will be good with time management e.g. handing projects etc. in on time. They are typically good at remembering names and techniques. Problems of having this learning style are; Getting confused with detail and trying to understand something before moving on or getting frustrated with others who maybe can’t learn as quickly.
Global Learners
These learners tend to learn information in large jumps, almost immediately absorbing it. These types of learners are normally capable of solving complex problems or putting things together, however they will have trouble with saying how they did this. These type of learners will respond to a problem with emotion first rather than action.
Different methods have been developed to show how certain people study: this being how they perceive information, how they process it and also how they organise it.
This perception sector relies on;
Sight (Visual Cues)
Hearing (Auditory Cues)
Other sensations, including touch, temperature and movement (Kinaesthetic Cues)
These three types of cues may appeal to different people but might not to others. This means information that can be presented may be perceived differently can affect certain people.
Visual Learners
Visual learners can learn best by viewing information through graphs etc. The characteristics of visual learners are typically similar however some individuals may vary. Examples of these characteristics include; Information shown through pictures, charts, diagrams etc. can be easily remembered. They have very strong visualisation skills, meaning they can preview drawings or text in their mind. Visual-spatial skills, such as shapes, sizes, textures, angles, and three-dimensional depths are strong. They will often also have a strong sense of body language.
Auditory Learners
Auditory learners are those who learn best by listening to information which is being explained. They may not understand a topic after reading it from a book, piece of text etc. however when it is read to them in a class lecture it will likely make more sense.
Many of these learners can remember data quite accurately e.g. they could hear a phone number and then remember the tone to repeat it. These learners will also have gained strong language skills which would help to develop vocabulary. Other advantages of having strong auditory skills mean learning foreign languages will be normally easier. The learner will also have strong musical talents.
Kinaesthetic Learners
Most Kinaesthetic learners learn best by moving their bodies, by operating their large and small muscles when learning. They are classified as more ‘hands on learners’. This learning makes concentration and learning easier by the involvement of movement. Other characteristics of kinaesthetic learners are; they often wiggle, tap or move their legs when they are sitting. These learners are previewed as being hyperactive children. Due to operating these movements through learning they are often quite talented as performers, athletes, actors or dancers. They also may have talents to work well with their hands e.g. sculpting, art, repairing work etc.
These learners are often well coordinated and have a good sense of time and body movement.
What type of learner are you?
I am now going to show screen dumps of a source of how to identify a specific learner style. I will be using the BBC website to show this.
This shows the webpage for BBC’s key skills.
Users will then have to complete a questionnaire to receive a result of what learning style they are.
To the left is an image which shows an example of one of the questions within the questionnaire.
Most people can learn a different mixture of visual, kinaesthetic and auditory. After having acquired information, how to process it mentally can vary. Different learners may grasp different information depending on personality. Some may deal with concrete, practical examples or they might be happier with concepts and generalisations. When ordering information, some learners prefer to receive these facts in logical and sequential manner. This enables them to build up a picture in their head one step at a time. Others prefer an overview and will look at the big picture; from here they would then look at the smaller details. Some learners will experiment with the data they have received others will reflect on this data. By organising what learner you are, you can therefore engage in detailed and logical analysis.
Benefits of knowing different learning styles within a business
Knowing different learning styles can help benefit those within different businesses to understand others personalities and attitudes. These skills can help to identify different individual’s key strengths and weaknesses. This will then help employees to communicate with others more effectively by using visual, kinaesthetic or auditory methods of communication. An example may have to present data to a visual learner; this could be done by using a PowerPoint. This would be better as the data would be absorbed more effectively rather than holding a big conversation and explaining every detail. Teachers will need to be able to acknowledge learning styles as part of their job. They can produce information to students in a variety of ways e.g. visual, verbal etc. However if there are complications of learning within particular lessons, this may be due to boredom, dislike of a certain topic etc. This fix these types of problems will require a student to adapt their listening or noting skills. An example of this may be if a teacher presents a student with a handout they may not understand. This student could then insert the data into a table, graph, spider diagram etc. to help them understand it better. No two people will be the same when learning, by a business using these different styles it will help employees know what their tasks may be will overall help the employees to operate their jobs better.
Impact of Learning Styles on Teamwork
Different individuals will behave differently due to their individual learning style. By working in a team these learning styles can have a positive and negative balance. This can be a complex matter as different learners may not understand as quickly as there other colleagues. Their may be different members of the team that show different sets of characteristics, these are as follows;
- Manager – This will be an individual who takes charge and manages the colleague’s within the team.
- Listener – This type of person will gain information by listening to other team member’s ideas.
- Organiser – Someone who will organise the tasks and activities that the team are performing.
If members of the team do not have awareness of different people’s learning styles, then some members may feel resented from the task that has been organised. However in some situations this can be an advantage to the team as; a mixture of learning skills will motivate the employees to work together, everyone will be able to contribute individual ideas. Problems may occur when all individuals have the same learning style as this would cause conflict especially in single role responsibilities. As long as each individual understands what is expected of them in the team and their responsibilities within certain tasks then the overall outcome of teamwork will be successful.