Ms Matthews is the librarian for Brampton Manor School and she needs a system to get new books into circulation and read by the pupils and out of storage.

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John Harvey        Candidate No: 9125         Centre No: 13202



Coursework 2c/2d        

Background Information        

Possible solutions        


User requirements        



Coursework 2c/2d


Background Information

Ms Matthews is the librarian for Brampton Manor School and she needs a system to get new books into circulation and read by the pupils and out of storage. She needs some sort of system that will allow her to keep track of who has books and who doesn’t, she also needs to be able to do this quickly and with ease.

Possible solutions

Her possible solutions are: creating a database, a spreadsheet, a manual card system, or a written list of who has what.


Database and spreadsheet – Computer could break and information will be lost, someone could also hack into the system, also, if the system got a virus then the information could become damaged or lost

List and card system - List and cards may become burnt, lost or stolen, it is also hard to keep a card system secure.

User requirements

Ms Matthews needs her solution to be easy to use, easy to navigate etc. She also needs to be able to enter new data, new records, information on new books, who has brought back their book and what books are being borrowed and notification if they have not been returned by a certain date.



I will use Microsoft Access Database to solve this problem for Ms Matthews, as this is the only database package we have at out school. It is easier to use Microsoft Access compared to Excel, as with Excel it is not possible to create an easy navigation system (i.e. a menu) and input forms. Also, with Excel there is no option to create your own design


I will need the following basic hardware to make my database:

  • Tower with hard drive and sufficient space
  • Monitor
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
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I may also need to use the following output options:

  • Screen – To view the database
  • Printer – To print of reports (and maybe hand to students)

Data collection and input method

Before I can begin my database I must have a list of pupils and a list of books, this information will either be kept on paper or on notepad.

Data flow


* User name is made up like this:

Last two digits of year student joined the school


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