Online shopping. Online shopping is a great way for providers to promote their items internationally. Its very easily accessed to anyone around the world.

Online shopping is a process where you can buy or sell items online via the internet. There are many advantages of shopping online some include, there is a lot more choice for example if there is an item you want a lot more shops online sell the same or similar items so you have more to choose from. There is also a wider range of items and people from all around the world can sell their items online because the internet is open to anyone with internet access around the world. The biggest disadvantage of online shopping is the security; so many frauds have happened with online shopping more and more people are having trust issues with using the online shopping. Although it is very convenient for people who are less able to get out of the house they have access to the world wide shops right at their finger tips. Online shopping is a great way for providers to promote their items internationally. Its very easily accessed to anyone around the world.

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** Quite good on advantages of internet shopping nut not well structured or well balanced, and quite brief