Real time inforamtion

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Real time information

Real time information provides up to date transportation arrival information for passengers waiting at airport, bus-stop or train station. They display the number of minutes that passengers can expect to wait before the arrival of their required transportation. On boarding into it the RTI unit displaces and announces its next station, or stop.  

How does RTI works?

Real time information (RTI) unit works by sending a signal from one place of transportation services to RTI sign using satellite and radio communications. The signal from the vehicle is used to locate it along its route. A computer system uses this information to predict how long will the journey be.

The data is dispatched every 30 seconds and the location of the vehicle and its estimated time of arrival are set accordingly.

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There are RTI signs currently located in the local bus services all around London.


Countdown is an electronic information display system that gives people waiting at bus stops real-time information on bus arrival times.

The increasing use of information technology and electronic communications has raised travellers’

Expectations on the provision of transport information. Increasingly a printed timetable at a bus stop falls short of the mark, and passengers now expect relevant, accurate and timely information to allow them to make informed decisions on travel choices.

Real ...

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The report states the term 'RTI' and gives a detailed description. This is quite good, as this shows a clear understanding of this technical term. The report is quite presentable, with three images within the report. This allows the examine to visualize the report, which is useful and effective.

The report states how a display unit can update, using either a satellite or radio signal. Although doesn't explain, why this is useful. The report could include 'The benefit of using either the satellite/radio, is that a person is able to update the situation quickly within their office. As there would be able to gather information on how the system is coping, and if the train is late, this information can be received quickly in the office, and displayed using one of two signals quite effectively'.

In summary, the report is quite basic. The report does describe how data is is updated in real time using a number of methods. However the report is lacking detail and case studies which would link the background research to an commercial environment. The report states a user is able to use the internet to find information regrading the service on that day. However the report doesn't give any examples/case studies of websites which pride this service. For high marks, the user could undertake this process, and show a website which provides the information.